mikeh, on Dec 20 2008, 01:16 AM, said:
I posted my structure in the first post I made in this thread. I referred to it in a passage that you then quoted... including the reference to 'my' structure. You began your first post with a sweeping generalization about 'those' who favour 2-way stayman.. I assumed, from the foregoing, that you had read the posts whose contents you were criticizing. That assumption appears to have been in error.
I am sure that your posts are valued very highly by many of the readers of this forum, but it would be unwise to assume that every subsequent contribution is a response to your opinions. When I wrote that "The arguments in favour of two-way Stayman and weak takeouts have always seemed nonsensical to me", I was commenting on arguments in favour of two-way Stayman and weak takeouts.
I confess that I hadn't, in fact, read your earlier post. I was responding to a post where Chip Martel was quoted as saying, "I think that playing a sophisticated transfer system is vastly superior to two-way Stayman."
If I were investigating slam, I would most certainly tell my partner about Qxxx. How else is he supposed to know that KJx is a better holding than Kxx?
Wow... let me see if I understand this.
You would, on a slam-interest hand, transfer and then show a Qxxx 4 card minor, because partner won't otherwise know that Kxx is an inferior holding to Kxx? So that he will co-operate with KJx but not with Kxx?
If I show my suit, my partner will think more of KJx than of Kxx, and that will be one of many things that he considers in evaluating his hand. On some proportion of hands, the difference between KJx and Kxx will be sufficient to change his decision as to what to bid. Does that really merit a "wow", a couple of non sequiturs, and the suggestion that I am as careless as you are in selecting my examples?