Oh, I'm sure there are a lot more BR eligible players, but I disagree that that is a useful question (for one thing, there's 100 tables in the BR 0-5000, and possibly a 1500limit one as well).
However, only 100 players are eligible lifetime. Think of this. There are at least 5 times as many lifetime-eligible PP players as there are lifetime-eligible BR players. And we haven't even had a Platinum Pairs yet.
Yeah, I would be happy with top 100 PP holders autoeligible. Ignoring any PPs won before 2000, that would be 1864.94, according to
this page.
Yes, yes, I know that the relevance is almost nil, as anybody in the top 100 MP holding has enough BRQs to play the rest of their lives already; whereas there may come a time when #82 (to pull a number out of a hat) has lost his edge or his ability to travel, and hasn't put up the 50PP in the last three years.
Add to Tim's question - "how many eligible that want to play with the Big Boys?" - after all, that's why we've created the 0-5K events for all the big events in the last few years. Very popular, they are. I don't have enough vacation time or money to not play as up as I can, so they are, in a way, popular with me, too, as they make my games harder yet.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)