hand evaluation in reponse to strong 1C
Posted 2008-November-20, 01:17
I'd like to hear your opinion on this issue.
We play a strong 1♣ relay system, and response 1♦ with 0-7 neg.
We had an argument to whether we should use strictly hcp or can have some judgment.
For example if have 5-5 with 7 hcp would it be right to show it as 8+ ?
At the actual incident i held 5-5 with a K and a J, (4 hcp). and after 1♣-1♦-1♥
desided not go give a second negative which is usually 0-4 in our system.
My partner believe that we should not evaluate like this because when he relay for shape he knows i have that special shape but assumes i also got the points.
I believe its beter to evaluate because it will help us in many decisions on non relay sequences, and if it happends to be a relay and he find out i got a nice shape he should assume i might be lighter on hcp.
What do you think ?
Posted 2008-November-20, 01:19
Posted 2008-November-20, 09:04
Certainly a hand like ♠KQxxx ♥Qxxxx ♦xx ♣x is normally going to be better than one like ♠Jxxxx ♥Jxxxx ♦KJ ♣Q even though it has one fewer "point". On the other hand, it is not clear wether the best way to deal with this is to upgrade the former, downgrade the latter, or perhaps do both.
I'm not really that experienced with relay systems, but I tend to side with your partner on this one. I suspect that upgrading will only really help if your sytem is one whereby partner could pass in a situation where you are fairly sure that game should be bid. Or to put it another way, if you will generally be able to show your shape anyway in the non-relay auctions, then you are more likely to reach the correct contract if you don't upgrade than if you do.
Posted 2008-November-20, 09:24
The definition of a positive response needs to mesh with your auction termination rules and vice versa...
For example, playing MOSCITO, slam exploratory auctions normally proceed into denial cue bidding once shape has been revealed. Let's assume that relay responder has just bid 3D showing a 4=1=5=3 shape.
A step response asks RR to show his slam points using an A =3, King = 2, Q = 1 scale. RR's base slam points is 6. ANY positive response to a strong club opening promises 6+ slam points.
However, MOSCITO also has a rule that the base slam points are adjusted down by 1 if RR has shown 10+ cards in his two longest suits. (if RR has shown a 5-5, or a 6-4, or a 7-3, he doesn't need quite as many slam points)
Posted 2008-November-20, 11:45
With 5-5's, any hand with two or three controls should go to game. If memory serves, you'll have something like a 5 in 6 chance of hitting some fit.
If your hand is quackish, downgrade, even the 8 counts.
I completely agree with hrothgar about having some discussions about bailing out of an auction; for me, 4 of a minor should be a stopping point if there's a complete misfit (and at times 3 of a major).
Posted 2008-November-20, 13:34
Posted 2008-November-20, 13:58
For the semi-positive, we require that responder holds at least one control, so a hand with one or two Kings or a hand with one Ace might fall here.
Posted 2008-November-29, 19:30
I suggest using something a bit "better" than the Work 4321 count. the simplest improvement would be to redefine your ranges in terms of a 321 count (A=3, K=2, Q=1). Perhaps not the best, but an easy improvement -- and definitely an improvement.
Posted 2008-November-30, 02:25
Posted 2008-November-30, 11:17
1♦ 0-7 HCP, 0-4 controls, if 3-4 controls, fewer than 3 cover cards.
1♥ 3 controls, 3 or more cover cards
1♠ 4 controls, 3 or more cover cards
1NT 5 controls
2♣ 6 or more controls
Higher responses show specific hand types.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2008-December-14, 17:13
Posted 2008-December-14, 21:04
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-December-15, 05:16
George Carlin
Posted 2008-December-15, 05:20
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2008-December-15, 05:25
Never say never but as Han says, be very careful.
Posted 2008-December-15, 09:40

surely if you are playing any system Precision, Romex, Acol, (Sick And Yellow Colour);
You should just adhere to the system Otherwise why play a system
After 1♣(forcing opening) Partner has said they will re-bid, thus I see no problem

Posted 2008-December-15, 17:19
But unless they're both majors, I agree with not upgrading 5-5s on shape; you have lots of time to say "oh, I don't have a 1D opener any more" if partner hits one of your suits.