csdenmark, on Dec 1 2008, 02:25 AM, said:
Cascade, on Nov 29 2008, 10:20 PM, said:
Come on guys he means weak players like Cezary Balicki and Adam A Zmudzinski who could only win silver in the bowl playing Suspensor in 1991.
My dream is to be that weak too.
Wayne you are normally known to be well informed - therefore I certainly trust you that Balicki-Zmudzinski played Suspensor in 1991. They reached 2nd position, it should be the year Icelandic Precision(symmetric relays) won 1st position.
Maybe you have some information Wayne about Paul Marston. As far as I am informed 1991 was the year for converting Moscito from a pass-system into a club system. I wonder the reason if pass-systems were generally allowed by that time.
My information about Balicki Zmudzinski is second hand. It comes from somewhere on the web - no one tells any lies there do they? It was something I hand in my memory. I did a google search to get the details. I apologize if it is not 100% accurate.
I have never talked with Paul Marston about why he moved to MOSCITO from forcing pass systems.
Curiously 1991 was the year that i first played the Interprovincial Championships in New Zealand. In that event we played a Forcing Pass system. We actually played a mixed system - Strong Club, submarine symmetric style vulnerable and Forcing Pass with two under transfers with symmetric relays and a 1
♠ Fert not vulnerble.
I cannot actually remember if we ever experimented with a Forcing Pass system at all vulnerabilities. I think we probably did.
We only played Forcing Pass over a 6-9 month period. Forcing Pass and other HUMs were then as now only allowed in Open level teams style events where 8 or more boards were played in segments against the same pair. This meant that we had to maintain two systems. In a way this wasn't two problematic for us as stated above we were playing a mixed system - we just reverted to our vulnerable system when not playing Forcing Pass. However since most events in New Zealand are Matchpoint Pairs we were unable to play the Forcing Pass system often.
Even our own club after we played an interclub event against a team from another city in which we played Forcing Pass made a rule that HUM systems would not be played in interclub events.
We gave up the Forcing Pass system shortly after the 1991 Interprovincial Championships. We continued playing Submarine Symmetric for a few years after that.