Howdy, I got one of my favorite partners from the '80's to get on BBO a few days ago. We play a system which I call Modified Bunny. It's an Acol/Canape hybrid. At any rate, this morning over coffee, I get some of my WORST ideas then, I thought it would be neat to start a tournament to try to determine the efficacy of various bidding systems,(and just have fun) ie, the ideal would be to have a N/S pair & an E/W pair each playing the same(as close as possible) bidding system and compare results over a reasonable period of time. So, would , of course, need 2/1, SAYC, Precision, Blue Team, Polish Club, K/S, R/S, Acol, Culbertson, Four Aces, Goren, Forcing Pass, etc, etc, etc. ANY system. I've been a certified director since early '80's so I would be a playing director unless someone else would like to volunteer. If anyone would be interested, leave contact info here or send me a note at BBO. Maybe we could get this off the ground before long. I guess, too, that, for what I'm trying to do it would have to be a private, advanced registration tournament, otherwise it would, I'm sure, just be a preponderance of SAYC & 2/1 players. Your thoughts welcome.
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Various Bidding Systems Tournament Having a System Shootout
Posted 2004-April-14, 14:35
Sounds like fun, but I don't think you will be able to find all the same level players with all these different systems. And then you also have the problem that certain hands just bid better with certain systems. Maybe if you make it a regular tourney, and post the result over a period of, let's say, 50 tourneys. You might have a chance then.
But any idea is better then none
But any idea is better then none


“If there is dissatisfaction with the status quo, good. If there is ferment,
so much the better. If there is restlessness, I am pleased. Then let there
be ideas, and hard thought, and hard work.”
so much the better. If there is restlessness, I am pleased. Then let there
be ideas, and hard thought, and hard work.”
Posted 2004-April-14, 16:22
Signing up for Rays Bridge Ladder I think you will be able to meassure your system opposite all else on the ladder. That is for teams and pairs acc. to your own preferences.
Posted 2004-April-15, 04:07
Howdy Mike & Claus. I think once you got past the most common systems, that most of the players would tend to be advanced or higher, ie, if you sit down against a pair playing K/S or R/S these days, they tend to be pretty good opponents. And OF COURSE certain hands tend to bid better with certain systems, that's the main part of the INTRIGUE to me, but which system would get to the optimum contract the HIGHEST PERCENTAGE of the time, that would be probably the main interest to me. And too, the pair reaching the optimum contract the highest percentage of the time may not even come in first that particular week, which could be due to unlucky declarer play, unlucky defensive play,other pairs beating optimum either because they did or did not get doubled or redoubled on a particular hand, and really getting nailed on the hands when they AREN'T in the optimum contract, etc, etc. So, besides the de facto winners any given week, I'd be able to determine the optimum contract "winners" as well.
And what is Ray's Bridge Ladder? A tournament or club I assume?
Lastly, as in the first thread, get in contact with me if you'd wish to participate. And, as I'm thinking again over coffee, I think maybe doing this as a team event may be good.
And what is Ray's Bridge Ladder? A tournament or club I assume?
Lastly, as in the first thread, get in contact with me if you'd wish to participate. And, as I'm thinking again over coffee, I think maybe doing this as a team event may be good.
Posted 2004-April-15, 05:33
Yes Melvis Rays Bridge Ladder is something like a tournament club. The standing on the ladder is your current assessment of your strength. You access from this link:
I agree playing special systems or correct versions you will normally find good players. Therefore I dont need to restrict anything.
I agree playing special systems or correct versions you will normally find good players. Therefore I dont need to restrict anything.
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