I thought i would ask some of those people that play this convention why they feel it is important to discover if partner has opened or rebid 2nt with a 5 card major.And secondarily does the form of scoring impact their decision to use this @#$$%% convention. LOL
Let me describe Puppet Stayman as i know it.
After an opening bid of 2nt (and some after a 1nt opening) or an opening bid of 2c followed by a rebid of 2nt
The responder with a 3 card holding in a major bids 3c asking opener about his major suit holdings. Opener responds. 3d with a 4-card major, 3h/s with a 5-card major and 3nt with none of the above.
a.If opener bids 3d(indicating an unknown 4-card major) and responder has one 4-card major responder bids the major that he doesnt have.if responder has both 4-card majors he bids 4D asking opener to set the trump suit.
b. if opener shows a 5 card major and responder fits the suit he bids game or makes some move toward slam.
c. if opener bids 3nt responder passes assuming no slam interest.
Cons to Puppet Stayman
1. Gives opponents yet another chance to make a lead directing double.
2. Gives opponents a better idea of the declarers distribution thus allowing better defense .
3. Tells the opponents about your partners secret weapon (the 5th card in the suit) Perhaps this should be included in 2 above.
4.Makes responder's life next to impossible when dealt 5-4 major suit holding. And partner rebids 3nt
1) (loses the abilty to use smolen)
2) can't bid your 5 card major over 3nt for fear pard may have doubleton
5. Most partnerships have no idea how to describe major minor hands (4M -5m)
1. allows your side to play in your 8-card major suit fit.
2. I have no idea what other pros there are.....that is why i started this thread