Hi all,
it is with great regret that I pass on rumors from a reliable source that DOTW is to take an extended break as of this Monday. For almost 8 years Fred has produced an article, usually of outstanding quality, on one or more fascinating deals.
Having programmed .lin files myself I can say that this is no easy task, not to mention the world class analysis and lucidity that Fred invariably injected to his articles. All this, and it was 100% free! Bear in mind that the average bridge book has maybe 50 deals in it, and you will see that Fred could have used his talents to much more profitable ends.
A big thank you to Fred, and here's hoping that DOTW comes back sooner rather than later,
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DOTW - a tribute
Posted 2004-April-03, 16:05
Yes Dean
I second what you say.....
i always enjoyed reading them when they came into my mail-box.
Over and above the rigours of having to write .lin files, F must have spent a lot of his valuable time composing them each week. Nearly all were instructional and worth reading for the analysis alone.
We can only hope he decides to re-initiate them in the future, time and will permitting...
I second what you say.....
i always enjoyed reading them when they came into my mail-box.
Over and above the rigours of having to write .lin files, F must have spent a lot of his valuable time composing them each week. Nearly all were instructional and worth reading for the analysis alone.
We can only hope he decides to re-initiate them in the future, time and will permitting...
gaudium est miseris socios habuisse penarum - Misery loves company.
Posted 2004-April-03, 21:51

Gweny :-)
Posted 2004-April-03, 21:57
like most, i looked forward to the dotw every sunday night... i've learned a lot from them, and from fred's analysis... i'm sorry they've been suspended, though i know the drain on fred's time had to be enormous... all i can say is, thanks for doing them in the first place, fred
"Paul Krugman is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like." Newt Gingrich (paraphrased)
Posted 2004-April-03, 22:29
I have no idea where this rumour came from; lets see what FG has to say.
I would be startled to hear that this is all true
but we'll find out soon enough.
I would be startled to hear that this is all true

Posted 2004-April-04, 06:09
..And how RELIABLE was your source Dean....
you should not listen to cleaners' conversations
...and UDAY perhaps having a white-board in the office may be a good thing
works in ours although i never read it...

you should not listen to cleaners' conversations
...and UDAY perhaps having a white-board in the office may be a good thing

gaudium est miseris socios habuisse penarum - Misery loves company.
Posted 2004-April-04, 08:49
Sorry Dean - I can't remember telling you this

It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.
David Brin
David Brin
Posted 2004-April-05, 02:08
I will just say Thank You Fred the DOTW has always been something to look foeward to.
I can understand your decision, and when we see all the other work you are up to, we can just but wonder how many hours you have in the day
I can understand your decision, and when we see all the other work you are up to, we can just but wonder how many hours you have in the day

Edvin say "a smile a day keep the doctor away"
Posted 2004-April-05, 08:27
Ty very much Fred for all the DOTW you contributed for free to the BBO community !
They form now a huge body of reference to consult even in the BBO archive !!
I understand your need of well-deserved time for personal life. Enjoy it !!!
They form now a huge body of reference to consult even in the BBO archive !!
I understand your need of well-deserved time for personal life. Enjoy it !!!

"Bridge is like dance: technique's important but what really matters is not to step on partner's feet !"
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