jtfanclub, on Aug 26 2008, 11:26 PM, said:
mike777, on Aug 26 2008, 10:14 PM, said:
Actually, it was more I support Obama because McCain would be a nightmare. What was her line, "No way, no how, no McCain"? She ripped McCain up one side and down the other. At one point, she said McCain wouldn't be another Bush...he's be worse.
If you want reasons to vote for Obama, you got way too many hours of them yesterday, and you'll get more on Thursday and Friday. If you were a Democrat who supported Hillary but were unconvinced because you didn't like Obama's church, or his inexperience, or his friends from 20 years ago, this speech was for you. She said that to claim to support her and then to not vote for Obama would be a betrayal of her, and a betrayal of her 25 years of work.
And if that speech didn't convince you, nothing will.
So you agree with me. The speech was all about her.
"She said that to claim to support her and then to not vote for Obama would be a betrayal of her, and a betrayal of her 25 years of work."
"Actually, it was more I support Obama because McCain would be a nightmare."
I rest my case, talk about lukewarm endorsement. Follow the logic. McCain=nightmare.....Obama...better than nightmare...you pick which is better....
Or....McCain is unbalanced...evil........cares less about the poor, loves pollution, destroyes civil rights./loves endless War and killing..........other choice Obama...you choose...
Add in evil McCain and being a good Democrat...nothing about Obama except your quotes.....better than nightmare.........he follows my policy(hillary) of last 25 years.