Kibitzing OK if kibitzers comply with the Laws
Posted 2004-April-07, 07:29
Posted 2004-April-07, 07:50
Because of my job Im often on call and cant commit to play an event so will often watch instead. Bridge authorities around the world have policies which attempt to encourage spectating. Look how popular BBO is when big events are on vugraph.
There are other solutions to cheating that need to be implemented independent of a blanket ban on kibitzers.
Posted 2004-April-07, 08:04
This will cause trouble in some innocent situations, for example here at a local club we have some computers sharing the same IP and players play/kibitz from different rooms using the same connection. Some housband-wife pairs play from different rooms in a perfectly legal situation, etc. But it won't cause a problem to all the kibitzers or make a TD forbid all the kibitzers. As many of you said forbidding kibitzers kills a lot of the magic of online bridge.
If a director/player allows all kibitzers then kibs using the same IP as a player should be marked in red or in some way. So if strange things happen AND there is a suspect kibitzer a host/director can take measures.
Posted 2004-April-07, 08:08
luis, on Apr 7 2004, 09:04 AM, said:
This will cause trouble in some innocent situations, for example here at a local club we have some computers sharing the same IP and players play/kibitz from different rooms using the same connection. Some housband-wife pairs play from different rooms in a perfectly legal situation, etc. But it won't cause a problem to all the kibitzers or make a TD forbid all the kibitzers. As many of you said forbidding kibitzers kills a lot of the magic of online bridge.
If a director/player allows all kibitzers then kibs using the same IP as a player should be marked in red or in some way. So if strange things happen AND there is a suspect kibitzer a host/director can take measures.
Luis, as nearly always, is a voice of reason. But as a general rule, two log in's from the same IP address are not allowed (uday has to approve it I believe), and sadly there are technical ways around using same IP address from the same computer anyway, as illustrated to me by one of my partners who choose to use one such trick. I believe he emailed uday on that one, but that trick can not be eaisily stopped.
Posted 2004-April-07, 09:51
We attempt to block one PC from logging in more than once. We allow it for some users who have a need for the ability.
What I'm not getting from all this is two things
a) I don't understand why people are sounding irritated at McBruce. He is working around some perceived limitations of the software as best he can.
It is only by experimentation that we learn. I am sure that his customers who worry about cheating (or of being falsely accused of cheating each time they make a good lead) appreciate the small comfort of knowing there are no specs.

c) It would be good if the software could help a a little. Right now the only option we offer is to bar specs or open it up completely to specs.
What options do we see?
- restricting specs to one hand - boring for the honest specs, and a bad apple will spec his "special friend's" partner.
- Forcing spec to stay at table - boring for honest specs ,and a bad apple will be able to xmit info about the (same) hand to his "special friend"
- Allow TD to specify who is allowed to spec and who is not. Seems ok to me. Allow TDs to see more info about the specs applying to watch ( same IP as someone else in the tourney? etc)
Over time we'll come up with something. I think that when we run tourneys with something tangible at stake we'll need even more in the way of precautions than disallowing specs.
Posted 2004-April-07, 09:59
uday, on Apr 7 2004, 03:51 PM, said:
We attempt to block one PC from logging in more than once. We allow it for some users who have a need for the ability.
What I'm not getting from all this is two things
a) I don't understand why people are sounding irritated at McBruce. He is working around some perceived limitations of the software as best he can.
It is only by experimentation that we learn. I am sure that his customers who worry about cheating (or of being falsely accused of cheating each time they make a good lead) appreciate the small comfort of knowing there are no specs.

c) It would be good if the software could help a a little. Right now the only option we offer is to bar specs or open it up completely to specs.
What options do we see?
- restricting specs to one hand - boring for the honest specs, and a bad apple will spec his "special friend's" partner.
- Forcing spec to stay at table - boring for honest specs ,and a bad apple will be able to xmit info about the (same) hand to his "special friend"
- Allow TD to specify who is allowed to spec and who is not. Seems ok to me. Allow TDs to see more info about the specs applying to watch ( same IP as someone else in the tourney? etc)
Over time we'll come up with something. I think that when we run tourneys with something tangible at stake we'll need even more in the way of precautions than disallowing specs.
What about marking in red specs with the same IP as a player playing? What about letting the TD forbid kibitzers with the same IP as a player?
Posted 2004-April-07, 10:13
However, the server can certainly make an educated guess that two players are "close" to each other and offer this information.
Posted 2004-April-07, 11:57

1) how many players attend BBO each hours of the day? from 750 - 4000
2) How many cheaters do you think there are logged on?
how great odds is't to run into a cheater?
3) If you play with a cheater and loose, how much must you pay, or what do you not recive? Is this loss enough for you to ban kib, when you know that you then also ban yourself?
4) When do we play with a "cheater"? In my opinion if you play ageinst Op that never can learn you anything, but still win over you all the time.
If you play ageinst such O, mark him, and make comments "can't learn me anything, just a vaste of time, no fun either

Now when you have mark him, how great odds is to get a new one in the near future?

I think the way to go is not to ban Kib...we all know there are shop lifters, but we don't close our shop in order to get rid of that.
On the other hand, if you start to ban kib because of cheating, you make the problem much bigger, because we will belive that it is a real problem with BBO, and many will leave because there are so many cheatres there.
I have also start to notice that more and more tables are locked for kib in main brigdeclub. Normaly I would never kib them, but now the suddently are more interesting

We must all have an eye on the "small problem". Mark it yourself, but never accuse one before you are 150% secure that you are right.
Hopfully Uday and Fred still improve the programs abillity to catch cheaters, in the meantime have fun

Have a nice day

Posted 2004-April-07, 13:54
I'm certainly aware that 2 logons from the same physical location is a way of cheating. I know numbers of people banned for this method of cheating from the site I play tournaments. They were banned because the evidence was collected.
There have been a number of people banned at this site for using some form of illegal communication. The telltale sign with this method of cheating is often 'telling pauses'. The most frequent ways this was identified was by people kibtzing. Unsurprisingly some of these people who were subsequently banned were the most vociferous in support of a no kibitzers policy (this is not to say most people who want to ban all kibtzers or some kibtzers dont have good intentions).
Posted 2004-April-07, 14:30
uday, on Apr 7 2004, 05:51 PM, said:
We attempt to block one PC from logging in more than once. We allow it for some users who have a need for the ability.
What I'm not getting from all this is two things
a) I don't understand why people are sounding irritated at McBruce. He is working around some perceived limitations of the software as best he can.
It is only by experimentation that we learn. I am sure that his customers who worry about cheating (or of being falsely accused of cheating each time they make a good lead) appreciate the small comfort of knowing there are no specs.

c) It would be good if the software could help a a little. Right now the only option we offer is to bar specs or open it up completely to specs.
What options do we see?
- restricting specs to one hand - boring for the honest specs, and a bad apple will spec his "special friend's" partner.
- Forcing spec to stay at table - boring for honest specs ,and a bad apple will be able to xmit info about the (same) hand to his "special friend"
- Allow TD to specify who is allowed to spec and who is not. Seems ok to me. Allow TDs to see more info about the specs applying to watch ( same IP as someone else in the tourney? etc)
Over time we'll come up with something. I think that when we run tourneys with something tangible at stake we'll need even more in the way of precautions than disallowing specs.

"I'm not spending my time to create a kibitzing environment."
-> Because of such people existing, will pass many time before we can ever dream about money for bridge, at least like theese for chess...
"TDs reading this: a lot of you work harder than I do even. Do any kibitzers ever thank you for your work?"
->Warning! Cats and dogs, dogs and cats...
Posted 2004-April-07, 15:08
My primary work is development, then abuse, etc.
This is not the first online system I've developed, managed, or helped run.
This is the most unruly of the three that I've worked on (i'm guessing because we come from different countries, and we dont charge, and we are very passionate about bridge) , but it is not the largest.
But, don't let that stop someone from volunteering

Posted 2004-April-07, 15:41
uday, on Apr 7 2004, 11:08 PM, said:
My primary work is development, then abuse, etc.
This is not the first online system I've developed, managed, or helped run.
This is the most unruly of the three that I've worked on (i'm guessing because we come from different countries, and we dont charge, and we are very passionate about bridge) , but it is not the largest.
But, don't let that stop someone from volunteering

1. I am not crazy and can send you needed documents about

2. If you take my words as willing to menage BBO community, sorry about my bad english

3. You really need "community menager" with full rights and diplomatic talant, who love BBO enough to sacrifice his time to do this job. Probably same person is not so hard to find, if you look menagment of previous conflict... Abilty to menage large mass of unruly people is part of his job, hehe And he is already volunteer too

4. I will help without payment and I don't need any "software cahnges", but I can't be regular, because hard working to survive in my "banana country".
Thanks again for your great work here Uday! Misho
Posted 2004-April-08, 01:36

You really need "community menager" with full rights and diplomatic talant, who love BBO enough to sacrifice his time to do this job. Probably same person is not so hard to find, if you look menagment of previous conflict... Abilty to menage large mass of unruly people is part of his job, hehe And he is already volunteer too
A nice thought, but don't ask for it

As soon as this manager is employed, he/she will get every little quarrel on his/her table. The manager and his helper will soon be burned out. The cry for a new manager will start. No one willing on a free basis. What next.....

From Uday
We don't have anyone who is the "community manager"
My primary work is development, then abuse, etc.
Here I will say development is enough, both for Fred and Uday!
So if we want to help, I suggest that we ask them if they want us to form a commite, 3-5 people from different countrys, that try to solve missunderstandings, abuse, quarrels and so on, on a free basis, and after rules given from BBO.
This is just thoughts, but I am sure some of us will help out if asked

Have a nice day
