Time to step back and remember that the ONLY reason any of us are here doing whatever it is we do - is simply - we are ADDICTED to BRIDGE !!
One of my members sent this to me -- next time my cursor hovers over the Remove Club Now button I have promised myself to reread this -
Why I Quit Bridge
'Twas the night before Christmas
Two guests in our house
Had started to play bridge
With me and my spouse.
"Please tell me," she shouted,
"Why didn't you double?
'Twas plain from the start
That we had them in trouble."
"Tis my fault my dear,"
Said I, taking no stand.
"To discuss it with you-
Let us play the next hand."
"Remember next time."
Said she, icing a frown,
"To double a contract
That's sure to go down."
So I picked up my cards
In a downtrodden state,
Then I opened One Spade
And awaited my fate.
Dealer: East
Vulnerabe: North/South
S. 9876
H. 65432
D. 8765
H. QJ109
D. KQJ109
C. KQJ10
East (Me)
H AK87
D ----
C A987
S. 5432
H. ----
D. A432
C. 65432
The guy sitting South
Was like many I've known,
He played and he bid
In a land of his own.
"Two diamonds," he countered
With scarcely a care.
The ace in his hand
Gave him courage to spare.
My wife, she smiled faintly,
And tossing her head,
Leaned over the table,
"I double," she said
And North, for some reason
I cannot determine,
Bid Two Hearts as though
He was preaching a sermon.
I grinned as I doubled,
Enjoying the fun.
And turned 'round to South
To see where he would run.
But South, undistressed,
Not at a loss for a word,
Came forth with "Two Spades"-
Did I hear what I heard?
The other two passed
And in sheer disbelief
I said, "Double my friend,
That'll bring you to grief."
South passed with a nod,
His composure serene;
My wife with a flourish
Led out her Heart Queen.
I sat there and chuckled
Inside o'er their fix -
But South very calmly
Ran off eight straight tricks!
He ruffed the first heart
In his hand right away,
And then trumped a club
On the very next play.
He crossruffed the hand
At a breathtaking pace,
'Till I was left holding
Five Spades to the Ace.
In anguish my wife cried,
"Your mind's growing old!
Don't you see six notrump
In this hand is ice cold?"
By doubling this time
I'd committed a sin -
It just goes to prove
That you never can win.
Author Unknown
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A REALLY Good reason To Quit
Posted 2004-April-05, 02:09
Hi Maureen!
First at all I dont have enough words to thank you for great job you do in BBO for people. If all positive emotions of all BIL members transform into flowers, they will cover all world 
Thank you for share this piece of hope with us. You may be not believe but I, like some of very clever members of our forum, sometimes also have an idea to QUIT. For example previuos night I played terrible with Ben and this was clear not only time and I still wonder how many mistakes I need to do to consider I am hopeless 

By the way, if you like I can teach you too, when you have free time, can change nick if you like, will be honour for me to do that. The only problem is I probably will teach you only how to do better mistakes, but negative experience can also help 
Posted 2004-April-05, 02:25
Love the poem, i found these additions on David Stevenson's page
Tim West-Meads added
"I doubled, my dear,
since I trusted your lead
A diamond you should
have produced with great speed.
Two thousand points you'd
find then was our score
(Not to mention the honours
to make even more)"
Anne Jones added
"Your scoring, my darling,
would have cost us a bomb
Two thousand points would
have surely been wrong
What trick did they win
that gives them that score?
By ditching the diamonds
we get three hundred more."
Tim West-Meads added
"I doubled, my dear,
since I trusted your lead
A diamond you should
have produced with great speed.
Two thousand points you'd
find then was our score
(Not to mention the honours
to make even more)"
Anne Jones added
"Your scoring, my darling,
would have cost us a bomb
Two thousand points would
have surely been wrong
What trick did they win
that gives them that score?
By ditching the diamonds
we get three hundred more."
Posted 2004-April-08, 23:53
And how many here know that in Gilbert & Sullivan librettos - there are 216 lyrics we can use to describe our fascination with bridge.
See they had psyches even then
Yes dear partners when you are wondering where my brain hath gone - a wandering minstral I........
Puzzling bid -- 196 HMS Pinafore II Captain CORCORAN: Though to catch your drift I'm striving, It is shady - it is shady; It is shady - it is shady;
Found a fit! The Pirates of Penzance - But fear not, I have a heart We rather think that we're Not altogether void
Yes dear partners when you are wondering where my brain hath gone - a wandering minstral I........
This post has been edited by inquiry: 2004-April-09, 21:30
Abadaba - doooooooooooo - cept when she don't
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