Opener's rebid
Posted 2008-August-09, 19:29
1♠ - 1NT (forcing);
Call me Desdinova...Eternal Light
C. It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms.
IV: ace 333: pot should be game, idk
e: "Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot."
Posted 2008-August-09, 19:36
Posted 2008-August-09, 21:25
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
#5 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2008-August-09, 21:27
Posted 2008-August-09, 21:32
Jlall, on Aug 9 2008, 08:32 PM, said:
I prefer 2S, in MP it would be a huge disaster to play in 2D when we have this as opposed to imps where it's not such a big deal. The potential gains of 2D are not worth the risk of playing there.
If you are going to contradict and argue with yourself, have the decency to use a fake login name.

Posted 2008-August-09, 21:37
Posted 2008-August-09, 21:38
Winstonm, on Aug 10 2008, 10:32 AM, said:
Jlall, on Aug 9 2008, 08:32 PM, said:
I prefer 2S, in MP it would be a huge disaster to play in 2D when we have this as opposed to imps where it's not such a big deal. The potential gains of 2D are not worth the risk of playing there.
If you are going to contradict and argue with yourself, have the decency to use a fake login name.

roflmao. I nominate this as the post of the year.
#9 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2008-August-09, 21:41
Jlall, on Aug 9 2008, 10:27 PM, said:
Agree regarding spades vs diamonds, but with this much playing strength you should bid 3S imo. You make game opposite as little as xx Axxx QTx xxxx, and many similar hands. 2S is just too much of an underbid with a hand that has this much potential.
#10 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2008-August-09, 21:45
Posted 2008-August-09, 22:01
I prefer 2S, in MP it would be a huge disaster to play in 2D when we have this as opposed to imps where it's not such a big deal. The potential gains of 2D are not worth the risk of playing there
QUOTE (Jlall @ Aug 9 2008, 10:27 PM)
I prefer 2S, in MP it would be a huge disaster to play in 2D when we have this as opposed to imps where it's not such a big deal. The potential gains of 2D are not worth the risk of playing there.
Agree regarding spades vs diamonds, but with this much playing strength you should bid 3S imo.
I agree with Jlall.
Me, too.
So do I.
Posted 2008-August-09, 22:35
Jlall, on Aug 9 2008, 10:45 PM, said:
over 2h will rebid 2s
over 2s will rebid 3s
over 3c will pass.
Posted 2008-August-10, 11:40
It's a 13-count, but it's also a 5-loser hand. But LTC is only useful when there's a fit. So before I commit to any number of spades, which will necessarily involve an evaluation on my part of how hard to push the hand, I'm going to give partner a chance to tell me whether there's a fit or not. That's another reason I like 2♦ -- it shows a wider range of hands on my end, and it's still not clear to me what this hand is worth. I'm rebidding 2♠ over 2H, showing 6-4 with a better-than-minimum (since I didn't rebid 2♠).
This wasn't a hand I played, but one I kibbed. Opener's rebid was 3♠, which I think is about right if you have to bid some number of spades. But it could still miss a game easily if partner has a fit (doubleton), and it could still go down if he doesn't. I thought it was an interesting hand, and posed it as a panel question. There were 2♠, 3♠, and 2♦ bidders, and more 2♠ calls than I expected, from some very good players (though it wasn't universal). I still think 2♠ is too conservative, though.
Call me Desdinova...Eternal Light
C. It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms.
IV: ace 333: pot should be game, idk
e: "Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot."
Posted 2008-August-10, 13:51
This seems obvious for me, because I must disagree with Justin, but he has me boxed in.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2008-August-10, 15:44
kenrexford, on Aug 10 2008, 02:51 PM, said:
This seems obvious for me, because I must disagree with Justin, but he has me boxed in.
I have to admit, 2♣ did not occur to me.
Call me Desdinova...Eternal Light
C. It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms.
IV: ace 333: pot should be game, idk
e: "Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot."
Posted 2008-August-10, 15:54
Lobowolf, on Aug 9 2008, 08:29 PM, said:
1♠ - 1NT (forcing);
It is a bit difficult to answer questions of this kind without knowing what partner would expect me to have for a first-seat, game-all 1♠ opening at matchpoints. If he expects me to have a sound opening bid in these circumstances, I would not contemplate 3♠, but if he expects me to open 1♠ with a small diamond instead of the king, then I might rebid 3♠ (though I probably would not).
I confess that I don't understand at all rebidding diamonds at matchpoints (even at IMPs I wouldn't do it, though I would have a lot more sympathy with it). Quite a lot of the time this will get me to 2♦ facing a singleton spade and three or four diamonds, and at matchpoint scoring that will be a disaster on stilts. Sure, there are hands where rebidding 2♦ will get me to a cold game (or even slam) in diamonds when rebidding 2♠ would have got me to a partscore in spades (imagine partner with ♠x ♥xxx ♦Axxxxx ♣Axx). But for every time partner has that, there will be a few hundred times when he has such as ♠x ♥Q10xx ♦Qxx ♣Kxxxx, and if you want to play those hands in 2♦ instead of 2♠, good luck to you.
Of course, I would not have this problem. I would rebid 2♣ (diamonds) and over 2♦ I would bid 2♠. For some reason, though, I suspect I would be in a minority even among experts.
And sealed the Law by vote,
It little matters what they thought -
We hang for what they wrote.
Posted 2008-August-10, 18:04
While 2♦ may get you some 110's and 130's where 140's and 170's are available, I think it's more likely to get you to 620, which is a good score, even at matchpoints. Yup, it's 13 points, but it's also a 5-loser hand. Maybe I should stop guessing and run some DealMaster Pro hands to check my judgment, but I'd guess that on a comfortable majority of hands where partner has 6-9 HCP and two spades, we have 10 tricks available. And on almost none of those hands will partner have a second bid over 2♠, but he will have one over 2♦.
Call me Desdinova...Eternal Light
C. It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms.
IV: ace 333: pot should be game, idk
e: "Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot."
Posted 2008-August-10, 18:43
Lobowolf, on Aug 10 2008, 07:04 PM, said:
Don't bother! We have already confirmed it is a few hundred times more likely that partner will pass 2♦ when you belong in spades than that 2♦ will get you to a good game or slam you would otherwise have missed.
Posted 2008-August-10, 18:48
Call me Desdinova...Eternal Light
C. It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms.
IV: ace 333: pot should be game, idk
e: "Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot."
Posted 2008-August-11, 00:24
Lobowolf, on Aug 10 2008, 11:44 PM, said:
kenrexford, on Aug 10 2008, 02:51 PM, said:
This seems obvious for me, because I must disagree with Justin, but he has me boxed in.
I have to admit, 2♣ did not occur to me.
What, you don't play transfers here?
