Hi Jillybean,
Before there was a Beginner/Intermediate Lounge there was this Beginner/Intemediate forum. The post go back a long time, but if you just click on this topic, it generally shows only the last 30 days. One of the earlier thread dealt with explaining carding... here is a link to it. There are some might fine post in that thread, if I have to say so myself. :-)
Beginners guide to defensive carding <<--- (click this to open thread in a new window)
You might want to examnd the date of threads shown and page backwards. In the original days, interesting problems suited for beginner/intermediate players were more frequently posted here. As was things like description of birdge terms like NMF, and conventions like multi-2
♦. This stuff still makes for some good reading... if it is on a topic you are interested in... And sinice I mentioned the BIL, it is a great place and if you are a member there, you can page back here and see details of its formation... fun reading too, in some ways.
Standard and udca "attitude" can refer to when you pratner lead a suit, or when you discard on a suit, or both. IT is up to your personal agreement. Read some of the thread listed above.