Another lead problem
Posted 2008-August-06, 14:08
You are playing IMPs, lefty deals and passes. The auction:
p - p - 1NT - p
2D* - p - 3H - all pass
The opponents were first time partners and didn't discuss superaccepts. Your lead?
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-August-06, 14:28
Posted 2008-August-06, 14:31
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-August-06, 15:00
han, on Aug 6 2008, 03:31 PM, said:
This is like the 4th time Justin or I posted it here, and every time someone asks hehe.
I bet you can figure it out.
Posted 2008-August-06, 15:18
Posted 2008-August-06, 16:36
jdonn, on Aug 6 2008, 01:00 PM, said:
han, on Aug 6 2008, 03:31 PM, said:
This is like the 4th time Justin or I posted it here, and every time someone asks hehe.
I bet you can figure it out.
"When in doubt, ask Josh." ?
Posted 2008-August-06, 16:45
#8 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2008-August-06, 19:37
Posted 2008-August-06, 20:05
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-August-07, 01:11
jdonn, on Aug 7 2008, 06:28 AM, said:
I'm getting the hang of that now.
Interestingly, my post on it a few weeks ago was almost the same situation.
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2008-August-07, 01:31
han, on Aug 7 2008, 03:05 AM, said:
I'd have done that.
Having passed over 1NT, I'd have doubled 3♥. They have a 9-card fit and its IMPs, so they won't be doubling aggressively. A greater risk is that they're about to bid 4♥ and that my double will help them to make it, but all those partscore gains should make up for the occasional game swing out.
I lead a trump. Having failed to show my hand in the bidding, I may as well show it with the opening lead.
Posted 2008-August-07, 09:35
gnasher, on Aug 7 2008, 02:31 AM, said:
I don't know what makes you think buying it for these partscores will be gains.
Posted 2008-August-07, 10:13
You can't make anything above 3H, the best you can hope for is 3C.
If you lead a black suit 3H makes. After a red suit lead 3H can be defeated.
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-August-07, 10:14
"When there is no suit that looks likely to be running, lead trump"
"With good spots in all side suits, lead trump"
Am I close with any of them?
Posted 2008-August-07, 10:21
Posted 2008-August-07, 20:12
han, on Aug 7 2008, 11:13 AM, said:
You can't make anything above 3H, the best you can hope for is 3C.
If you lead a black suit 3H makes. After a red suit lead 3H can be defeated.
Playing MP against GIBs I held Axxx xx J9xx ATxx. And the bidding proceeded:
On lead, I thought Josh's law applied here too mistaking this for an auction like 1nt-2d-3h. And I led a trump. Dummy had JT QT9xxx T 9xxx and declarer had xxxx AKx AKQx xx. With a Diamond lead, all the defense makes is two club tricks. With a trump lead, may be 3 club tricks. Banging either black suit Ace and cashing all the tricks in those suits is the preferred approach here

#17 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2008-August-07, 20:16
sathyab, on Aug 7 2008, 09:12 PM, said:
han, on Aug 7 2008, 11:13 AM, said:
You can't make anything above 3H, the best you can hope for is 3C.
If you lead a black suit 3H makes. After a red suit lead 3H can be defeated.
Playing MP against GIBs I held Axxx xx J9xx ATxx. And the bidding proceeded:
On lead, I thought Josh's law applied here too mistaking this for an auction like 1nt-2d-3h. And I led a trump. Dummy had JT QT9xxx T 9xxx and declarer had xxxx AKx AKQx xx. With a Diamond lead, all the defense makes is two club tricks. With a trump lead, may be 3 club tricks. Banging either black suit Ace and cashing all the tricks in those suits is the preferred approach here

Are you suggesting that banging down an ace is the correct thing to do here? If so I definitely disagree but I would prefer a diamond to a heart.
Posted 2008-August-07, 22:07
Jlall, on Aug 7 2008, 09:16 PM, said:
sathyab, on Aug 7 2008, 09:12 PM, said:
han, on Aug 7 2008, 11:13 AM, said:
You can't make anything above 3H, the best you can hope for is 3C.
If you lead a black suit 3H makes. After a red suit lead 3H can be defeated.
Playing MP against GIBs I held Axxx xx J9xx ATxx. And the bidding proceeded:
On lead, I thought Josh's law applied here too mistaking this for an auction like 1nt-2d-3h. And I led a trump. Dummy had JT QT9xxx T 9xxx and declarer had xxxx AKx AKQx xx. With a Diamond lead, all the defense makes is two club tricks. With a trump lead, may be 3 club tricks. Banging either black suit Ace and cashing all the tricks in those suits is the preferred approach here

Are you suggesting that banging down an ace is the correct thing to do here? If so I definitely disagree but I would prefer a diamond to a heart.
May be you missed the