an uggly situation
Posted 2008-August-01, 00:41
your are in 4-th position vulnerable vs nonvulnerable (of course) and you have:
and the bidding goes:
would you balance? depends on vulnerability? depends on the tourney format?
Posted 2008-August-01, 00:56
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-August-01, 01:57
When 3♥ is psyched they might win.
Finding your own mistakes is more productive than looking for partner's. It improves your game and is good for your soul. (Nige1)
Posted 2008-August-01, 02:30
result= +250 instead of +1440
as you can see 12 tricks in no trump...was a big "fight" between the commentators...a part of them agreed with this pas and doesn't like the partner's PASS, with the♣ suit...they argued the balanced pass with no a good suit for 3NT...maybe pd is 5440 with a very wak hand ...the others agreed no overcalling with a bad suit (K in 7 in a minor, only) and were unsatisfied about no balance with this strong hand
my idea (also I like was the same with my pd's ideea): if they are vulnerable is easy to PASS...if not we'll bid is life, sometimes we hould pay the preempts...but I like to fall from Niagara...

Posted 2008-August-01, 02:35
Posted 2008-August-01, 06:03
I consider the passout in balancing seat clear cut
I don't consider the pass in direct seat unreasonable (You'd really like a better suit for a vulnerable 4 level overcall)
Posted 2008-August-01, 07:39
ArtK78, on Aug 1 2008, 02:57 PM, said:
especially if you play non-leaping michaels ;-)
Posted 2008-August-01, 09:41
Posted 2008-August-01, 10:52
han, on Aug 1 2008, 01:56 AM, said:
Yeah, but what if LHO holds ♠--- ♥KQxxxxx ♦AQxxxx ♣---?
I guess you do. Barely. Partner leads a black card, ruffed, you ruff the fourth diamond and lead another black card, ruffed, you ruff the fifth diamond to lead another black card, ruffed, you ruff the sixth diamonds and lead your last black card, ruffed. Now, the end position is KQx into your AJ10, and you nick this a trick.

-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2008-August-01, 12:35
kenrexford, on Aug 1 2008, 11:52 AM, said:
han, on Aug 1 2008, 01:56 AM, said:
Yeah, but what if LHO holds ♠--- ♥KQxxxxx ♦AQxxxx ♣---?
I guess you do. Barely. Partner leads a black card, ruffed, you ruff the fourth diamond and lead another black card, ruffed, you ruff the fifth diamond to lead another black card, ruffed, you ruff the sixth diamonds and lead your last black card, ruffed. Now, the end position is KQx into your AJ10, and you nick this a trick.

Right. A 3♥ opening.
I suspect that you could live to be 100 and never hear about anyone opening 3♥ on those cards.
Posted 2008-August-01, 12:58
I blame the player who opened 3♥.
I am not saying that North can NEVER bid 4♣ or that South can NEVER balance 3N, but I am saying that I think both actions are, in a vacuum, poor choices.
I'd not be happy with +250, but live goes on, and I wouldn't (I hope) ever criticize either N or S if I were in the opposite seat.
Posted 2008-August-01, 13:06
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-August-01, 14:08
If your hand was Axxx, AQx,Axx,KJx, you would bid 3N.
As for the one time a 0-7-6-0 hand chooses to make a 3H bid, I would not care.
Posted 2008-August-01, 16:31
On a second look, seing all those spots in hearts, i realise that it increseas the probability that LHO is holding 7 hearts. Considering that partner has void in hearts, his probable shapes are:
-0♥(544) -31%
-0♥(643) -33.5%
-0♥(652)- 17%
-0♥(742) -9%
-0♥(733)- 7%, etc
The expected hcp for partner's hand is (40-19-5)/2=8.
So the partner will provide some suits for us! In fact when part holds a 6+ card suit and 8+ hcp's we have good chances to make 9 tricks, and some of the 0(544) will see us home too, especially if we have comunication on diamonds or partner has 5♦ and some quality in suit.
Another important consideration, is the win-loss raport:
a) considering bidding 3nt as a winning bid we will score 600-250=350 +8IMP's or 630-250=380 +9 IMP

So it's a 50-50% raport. Adding to that some small slam chances, i think that 3NT is the long term winner
Posted 2008-August-01, 17:26
You seem to have forgotten PARTNER ALREADY PASSED!
Not to mention, you calculate his points by automatically giving the 3♥ opener the KQ of hearts and nothing else.
Not to mention, when your long suit has no hope of being set up you will need more than usual to make 3NT.
Posted 2008-August-01, 17:51
jdonn, on Aug 1 2008, 06:26 PM, said:
You seem to have forgotten PARTNER ALREADY PASSED!
Not to mention, you calculate his points by automatically giving the 3♥ opener the KQ of hearts and nothing else.
Not to mention, when your long suit has no hope of being set up you will need more than usual to make 3NT.
Would you change your mind if your hearts were AJT987?
Posted 2008-August-01, 21:53
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."