Posted 2008-July-24, 13:00
1♦ is standard (4+ or 4432), everybody is vulnerable @imps and -to some extent- good players.
George Carlin
Posted 2008-July-24, 15:54
Posted 2008-July-24, 16:30
I am tempted to say "WTP?"
Posted 2008-July-24, 17:07
--Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.
Posted 2008-July-24, 17:54
Apollo81, on Jul 24 2008, 04:54 PM, said:
With 4432 shape, pard should have 18-19 HCP since he didnt open 1NT and with 12-14 I dont think he should be going to the 3 level. With 22 HCP he opens 2 Clubs.
3342? Same thing. Open 1NT unless 18-19.
Maybe Advancer has a poor hand and 4 Clubs, and decided a 1 level raise was sufficient, so pard may have a stiff Club.
4441 or 3451?
The spades are horrible.
I bid 3 Dimes.
Posted 2008-July-25, 02:16
I agree with Apollo81 that partner might be 4=4=3=2, so I bid 3♠. When partner doubled he knew I might have to bid 3♠ on a four-card suit; as I have five I can bid them with confidence.
I'm not going to take much notice of RHO's redouble. He didn't make a takeout double of 1♦, so it's unlikely that he has four spades.
Posted 2008-July-25, 05:57
Posted 2008-July-25, 06:29
Posted 2008-July-28, 06:23
do we have enough to drive to game vs. a normal minimum double for his bid. I constructed possible 4 minimum hands for partner's bid (considering perfect shape if minimum):
-Kxxx AKxx AQJx x
-KQxx KQxx AQJx x
-AKxx Kxxx AQJx x
-AKxx AQJx QJxx x
and on almost of all them we have game chances, so 4♠ seems a normal choice.
Another point of view: you cannot have xxxxx xxx xx xxx or so because you'll pass and corect 3♦ to 3♠, so any free bid should show some constructive values, but 5th spade and a usefull King are enough reasons for bidding the game.
Posted 2008-July-28, 10:54
Edmunte1, on Jul 28 2008, 07:23 AM, said:
Why can't partner have an 3352 18 count, with no real club stop? How else does he bid it?
Posted 2008-July-29, 00:37
jtfanclub, on Jul 28 2008, 11:54 AM, said:
Edmunte1, on Jul 28 2008, 07:23 AM, said:
Why can't partner have an 3352 18 count, with no real club stop? How else does he bid it?
Pass seems pretty normal, as long as:
- normally game it's not in the picture (too many losers)
- you best fit it's usually 8 card, and you're bidding 3 over 3
- bidding could be dangerous (you're red) if partner is broke
Posted 2008-July-29, 14:16
Of course, that is a discussion for after the hand, and after a bid by us, since we surely don't want to discover that partner felt (reasonably enough) that pass was penalty.
I don't think it is close... this hand is spades, not diamonds, altho we almost certainly have a double fit.... no matter what pass by us would have meant, a voluntary spade bid is more likely to reach a decent game contract than a mere 3♦. I think the hand is probably worth about 3.37832 spades, but I appreciate that others may disagree with the last couple of digits.
Posted 2008-July-29, 14:26
Posted 2008-July-30, 02:58
George Carlin
Posted 2008-July-30, 06:49
Posted 2008-July-30, 06:56
Posted 2008-July-30, 08:31
maxentius, on Jul 30 2008, 02:49 PM, said:
All vulnerable imp's
George Carlin
Posted 2008-July-30, 11:12
gwnn, on Jul 24 2008, 02:00 PM, said:
1♦ (2♣) _P (3♣)
_X (XX) ??
1♦ is standard (4+ or 4432), everybody is vulnerable @imps and -to some extent- good players.
IMO XXX = 11 3♠ = 10, 3♦ = 8, _P = 0.
Posted 2008-August-01, 23:56