kenrexford, on May 24 2008, 08:55 PM, said:
Go slowly makes sense as a general rule, but the parameters of what we know so far offer little help, it seems.
We have started with a non-Walsh 1♦. OK. Now, we have bid some major, picking one for some reason of theory, probably hearts. Partner bids 3♣.
What now? Maybe bid 3♠? 3♦ and 3♥ would surely be natural, so 3♠ as some sort of punt action? So, what if we hear 3NT? If we want to use RKCB for clubs, we better mention them, so 4♣.
Great. So far, we have bid every suit,
No we haven't. And agree with the auction so far, great start (through your 4
♣ bid over 3
and partner has shown something. Now, we have a weak club focus. God help us if partner takes over. He will expect a spade control with club support, not a stiff.
If he is good enough to take over then you are almost sure to have a grand anyway. wtp?
So, we get lucky and heart some diamond cue or something.
Great! Keycard time! wtp!
It just seems that pussy-footing around gets us nothing except a possibility that we lose the ability to use RKCB in clubs, or partner takes over (bad idea), or somebody gets confused about what is happening.
Now, for the first time in your life, on an auction that isn't even remotely complicated yet, you are worried about a misunderstanding? Where is the logic in this argument anyway. You are saying since we might not (and therefore might) be able to bid keycard in clubs by going slowly, we should jump to 6
♣ right now.
I just don't see any real way around that problem. With clubs, you cannot even get into any sort of last train slam bidding, either. Even if you could, partner will probably look at his diamond secondaries (because of the brilliant 1♦ start).
Bidding slam without last train? My word!
So, can we rely on partner to have a seventh club or the Jack? Or, in another way of putting it, can be exclude KQxxxx and sufficiently unlikely?
I cannot imagine how. Partner will be known to have the KQ of clubs and the spade Ace. He needs one more card to open, and I might have the methods to find that nice heart Queen. That's 11. That's enough. So, give partner ♠Ax ♥Qx ♦xxx ♣KQ10xxx. Should he rebid 2NT? Maybe. But, what about ♠Axx ♥Q ♦Qxx ♣KQ10xxx. 3♦? 2♠?
2NT on your first example. Whether 2
♠ or 3
♦ on your second he certainly won't bid 3
♣. I think you are simply proving how well this auction works. Btw if partner makes a terrible 3
♣ bid on either of those hands you reach 7NT which is over 50%.
If I don't have methods to check on the heart Queen, it seems worse. I'm not sure what that method will be, in a safe auction that I can control.
Who says you need it? A 7th club. Or diamond king. Or spade break. Or heart finesse. Or squeeze. Oh yeah, or that heart queen after all.
Please let me know about any questions or interest or bug reports about GIB.