Posted 2004-March-20, 21:43
The full hand was posted, lol. However assuming we can't see through the back of partner's cards and are trying to make the optimum bid with the given cards:
Is it a major surprise, (excuse the pun), that opener has 3H. No, not really. Likely to have less, but 3 is not a surprise. So one hand is going to be forced immediately on a S lead. My 4H could easily prove an embarrassment.
To get to 5m is a LONG way off. In 5m, I have at least 1 defensive trick, 2 if the A of D is positioned well for the defence. Again the Q of H has excellent defensive potential, and all this is assuming that no S stands up. 3S will definitely net you -200. I cannot see the opps bidding over this. As I stated in my penultimate post, they may well bid over 2S. Likely is that they will get to 3-4 C. If they get to 4H or 5m I am happy to take my chances.
One final consideration is that on the given hands, pd's 2S opening is about as good in S as you are likely to get, and you are still 2 down. Are you willing to risk down 3 playing with an aggressive partner? I'm not!
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.