But how does controlled demolition explain these facts?
Facts or suppositions?
For controlled demolition of a building you need to drill holes deep into the structure to place explosives or thermite there. Usually the structure is weakened with big machines before that.
It takes days to weeks to drill the holes and weeks of planing.
I think it is a stretch to call these claims fact unless you are a professional in the industry, but regardless I am not an expert so will have to rely on someone else to respond:
"John Skilling, a leading structural engineer for the WTC Towers, was interviewed in 1993 just after a bomb in a truck went off in the North Tower:
…Although Skilling is not an explosives expert, he says there are people who do know enough about building demolition to bring a structure like the Trade Center down.
'I would imagine that if you took the top expert in that type of work and gave him the assignment of bringing these buildings down with explosives, I would bet that he could do it.'
As the quote says, it is possible. I cannot address the difficulty or time as I am not an expert in that field. However, although not conclusive proof, pictures I have viewed of demolition experts placing thermite charges for building demolition show the thermite being placed on the outside of the beam at approximately a 45 degree angle. The thermite charges are not large, about the same size as a piece of rope.
How did anyone manage to do that (twice) between the impact of the plane(s) and the collapse?
This is a fact? I do not believe anyone has suggested this as fact or even supposition.
If they did it prior to the attack, how did they manage to do that while the building was populated with more than 10000 people?
I guess the "fact" you cannot correlate is that the building was populated? I agree with the fact that the building was populated - that has no bearing on the physical evidence of demolition. Do not place the cart prior to positioning the horse - first determine cause; secondly determine methods.
This reasoning is flawed, that A cannot occur because B is difficult, as is also flawed the reasoning that A cannot occur because I cannot understand how B is possible, or that B seems impossible. This latter is the basis for the illusions created by magicians. Do you accept that because you cannot understand the mechanism, that the elephant on stage genuinely disappeared? Of course not.
Then what is the difficulty applying this same reasoning to the WTC towers?
And why didn't they just ordered the airline to secure the cockpit doors as it is done in Israel for years.
I guess here the "fact" is that Israel has done something for years? Were the WTC towers in Israel?
Did they plant the controlled demolition materials inside the building, at the time it was originally built?
What is the "fact" here? Regardless, I doubt this scenario occured.
Wouldn't that be irresponsibly dangerous to do that?
I would certainly think so.
Now let's look at 3 physical facts that were not addressed by the NIST:
1) A bright fire, releasing white smoke, was seen shortly before the collapse - introduced by NIST, left unexplained.
2) Core columns with sulphur residue and exposure to extreme heat - introduced by FEMA - left unexplained by NIST.
3) NIST reported (NCSTAR 1-5A) that just before 9:52 a.m., a bright spot appeared at the top of a window on the 80th floor of WTC 2, four windows removed from the east edge on the north face, followed by the flow of a glowing liquid. This flow lasted approximately four seconds before subsiding. Many such liquid flows were observed from near this location in the seven minutes leading up to the collapse of this tower” - This glowing, flowing liquid left unexplained by NIST.
Now let's simply look at these unanswered questions with a hypothesis of controlled demolition:
1) An extremely bright flame, releasing white smoke fits perfectly with ignition of thermite.
2) Thermite, or one of its derivatives, would expose steel to extreme heat - perhaps thermate would leave sulphur residue.
3) Thermite, or one of its derivatives, can melt steel - molten steel is the same color as this glowing, flowing liquid.
These are real facts, reported by the investigating bodies - perhaps you would care to show proof that the NIST could not that ariplane impact and jet fueld created all three physical occurences?
Of course, it is much easier to simply accept as fact that the elephant really did just disappear.