1♥ 2♣
2♥ ?
cherdano said:
jtfanclub, on Apr 7 2008, 12:00 PM, said:
kenrexford, on Apr 7 2008, 11:32 AM, said:
1♥-2♣-2♥-3♥ should not be game forcing...where did you see that it was?
It is GF in SAYC, since you bid 3♥ immediately with a 3-card limit raise
I almost posted my questions in the original thread, but decided my questions were on the dumb side, and that maybe other beginners might find this auction confusing/surprising too.
First of all, I've been over the SAYC booklet 3 times today, and I don't see it explicitly covering 2 level responses where opener rebids his original suit. Ergo, I can't find an explicit statement in the booklet that 3♥ is GF.
Arend's post seems to imply that it is incorrect to bid hearts on this auction with less than 3 hearts. Is this right? (To my Goren-raised self, it "feels" like partner should have 6 hearts, though I know that sometimes she might be forced to rebid with only 5....)
If so, how do you handle hands that look something like this: xx Qx QTx AKxxxx - i.e. hands that might make 4♥ opposite a maximum 2♥ bid with 6♥? Do you tend to 2NT with 2 card support, even if one of the suits (in this case spades) are wide open (maybe 2NT is better with xx xx xxxx xxxxx and 11 points somewhere therein?)? Do you retreat to clubs with this hand? What if partner has 6 hearts and 3 clubs and a minimum - aren't you going to end up in 3♣ instead of 3♥?
Since the SAYC booklet isn't answering my questions, what's the right way forwards in general with exactly 2 hearts and invitational values?