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partner jumps and you have opening hand
Posted 2008-March-30, 09:34
"And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly." MikeH
Posted 2008-March-30, 09:43
#1 you should have responded 2C instead
of 1S, you are strong enough to go to
the 2 level, do it.
#2 4D, what ever this may mean (Ace asking
or natural and forcing, the later would be my
preference), this sets trumps and generates
a game forcing situation, which will simplify the
rest of the auction.
With kind regards
#1 you should have responded 2C instead
of 1S, you are strong enough to go to
the 2 level, do it.
#2 4D, what ever this may mean (Ace asking
or natural and forcing, the later would be my
preference), this sets trumps and generates
a game forcing situation, which will simplify the
rest of the auction.
With kind regards
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2008-March-30, 10:09
Wow.. i am trying to construct a hand where partner has his bid and i have all this stuff, including KJ of his suit. He couldn't reverse, with a poor suit, he couldn't splinter in support of our suit. So he rates to have seven diamonds (or maybe AQTxxx) but he must have a lot of stuff outside of diamonds.. If he was 6431 with a poor suit, he would have bid his four card suit.. if he was 6332 he would have likely been able to jump in notrump. No, i am back to he has seven diamonds and no second suit.
A practical 6♦ might miss grand. He could be.. A KQx AQxxxxx Ax for instance. So i agree with the earlier posters, bid 4♦ whatever it might mean, it is forcing. If 4♥ here was kickback, i would bid that too...
A practical 6♦ might miss grand. He could be.. A KQx AQxxxxx Ax for instance. So i agree with the earlier posters, bid 4♦ whatever it might mean, it is forcing. If 4♥ here was kickback, i would bid that too...
Posted 2008-March-30, 10:37
Agree that you should bid 2C first. When you are strong enough, bid your suits in the natural order.
Now I'd bid 4♦ (slam try), unless I play with a beginner who might pass that.
Now I'd bid 4♦ (slam try), unless I play with a beginner who might pass that.
Please note: I am interested in boring, bog standard, 2/1.
- hrothgar
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-March-30, 14:09
Agree with all who would have bid 2♣ last round.
4♦ slam try now.
4♦ slam try now.
Kind regards,
Posted 2008-March-30, 15:57
Yep, I should have bid 2♣
West North East South
Pass 1♦ Pass 1♠
Pass 3♦ Pass
Scoring: IMP
West North East South
Pass 1♦ Pass 1♠
Pass 3♦ Pass
"And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly." MikeH
Posted 2008-March-30, 16:26
agree with the above that this is an immediate 2♣, reply, and now you need to 4♦, but I am also not enamoured with the 3♦ call. i'd probably just bid a simple 2♣ instead.
Posted 2008-March-30, 16:33
Yes, partner has a clear 2C call.
Please note: I am interested in boring, bog standard, 2/1.
- hrothgar
- hrothgar
Posted 2008-March-30, 21:53
Would have bid 2C first playing vanilla 2/1 or sayc. Partner should have bid 2C in your sequence rather than 3D. Given what eventuated at your table I would have bid 4D.
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
Posted 2008-April-03, 13:33
matmat, on Mar 30 2008, 04:26 PM, said:
agree with the above that this is an immediate 2♣, reply, and now you need to 4♦, but I am also not enamoured with the 3♦ call. i'd probably just bid a simple 2♣ instead.
We agree.
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(P) 1♦ (P) 1♠
(P) 3♦ (P) ?