TylerE, on Mar 28 2008, 05:40 PM, said:
You know hearts aren't good, because the hand was posted
Maybe not at first, but they have to keep king of clubs, and someone has to keep diamond length, and maybe they make a mistake...or maybe they were breaking all along!
BTW I would have played low on the lead and ruffed it, I think this improves squeeze chances since if diamonds are 5-3 either way, one must be ruffed to make sure the 3 can't guard the suit.
Seems easy to see this is the best line. The club finesse line is 50%. The other lines both make if hearts break, but if they don't the heart ruff line needs specifically 4-2, with the length being with the 3 trumps. The squeeze line could have hearts 5-1 or 6-0 as well as 4-2, and the length needs to be with either the king of clubs OR 5+ diamonds. It also is the only line that gives the opponents much chance to make a mistake, they might just unguard hearts when they aren't supposed to. Without going into calculations, this is clearly best.
I see now I was preaching to the choir hehe.
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