1N overcall?
Posted 2008-March-06, 22:08
1S ?
A763 AQ J765 A83
Posted 2008-March-06, 22:27
Now, having said that, I must confess I would always overcall 1NT. I do have a balanced 15 with a stopper.

Posted 2008-March-06, 23:03
Posted 2008-March-06, 23:08
Power doubles can get this rightsided sometimes and playing them I'd make one here.
Posted 2008-March-07, 00:14
Posted 2008-March-07, 00:52
Posted 2008-March-07, 01:50
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2008-March-07, 01:51
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2008-March-07, 02:32
rogerclee, on Mar 7 2008, 01:52 AM, said:
Not trying to change your mind about this particular hand, but why don't you like to overcall 1NT in general? It should be as much fun as opening 1NT!

Posted 2008-March-07, 02:47
I don't know about Roger, but I don't like it because it's dangerous. LHO can double for penalty on many hands. In sandwich position it's even more dangerous!
Posted 2008-March-07, 02:51
655321, on Mar 7 2008, 01:32 AM, said:
rogerclee, on Mar 7 2008, 01:52 AM, said:
Not trying to change your mind about this particular hand, but why don't you like to overcall 1NT in general? It should be as much fun as opening 1NT!

Overcalling 1NT is dangerous. We do it because balanced 15-18 needs to bid something and is impossible to describe otherwise. If partner has a constructive hand, or a long suit, he is well-placed to act.
Two things change when you overcall 1N instead of open it.
1) Partner is much more likely to have nothing.
2) LHO can hit 1NT very easily.
If partner has balanced garbage, this rates to go for a huge number (500+) when they weren't even bidding game.
Posted 2008-March-07, 03:20
rogerclee, on Mar 7 2008, 03:51 AM, said:
655321, on Mar 7 2008, 01:32 AM, said:
rogerclee, on Mar 7 2008, 01:52 AM, said:
Not trying to change your mind about this particular hand, but why don't you like to overcall 1NT in general? It should be as much fun as opening 1NT!

Overcalling 1NT is dangerous. We do it because balanced 15-18 needs to bid something and is impossible to describe otherwise. If partner has a constructive hand, or a long suit, he is well-placed to act.
Two things change when you overcall 1N instead of open it.
1) Partner is much more likely to have nothing.
2) LHO can hit 1NT very easily.
If partner has balanced garbage, this rates to go for a huge number (500+) when they weren't even bidding game.
Totally Agree! Overcalling 1NT is pretty scary for me - especially if we are vul. Hate going for large numbers when the opponents probably don't have anything on. This brings up a hand I had a few months ago.
We are unfavourable and LHO deals and opens 1♥. RHO raises to 2♥ would you act? What if you switch the spades and diamonds?
Obviously X is the most flexible and bidding 2NT natural is like suicide since you don't know if you're about to get robbed or if partner has actually nothing.
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2008-March-07, 03:31
One of the best players I have ever had as a partner taught me a lot about overcalling NTs. His comment was that point count alone is a VERY poor indicator of whether to overcall or not. The hand should always have a source of tricks available to it. This is one of the reasons why 1NT on the original hand is so poor. On a really bad day you might make 3 tricks only, while the opps go off in 4H or similar.
Posted 2008-March-07, 03:36
I think it is quite close.
I would pass, but I would bid 1NT with the 9 of spades.
Posted 2008-March-07, 04:01
FrancesHinden, on Mar 7 2008, 11:36 AM, said:
I think it is quite close.
I would pass, but I would bid 1NT with the 9 of spades.
I must agree with Frances. I have seen much worse (partner being a passed hand, vul against not, etc.). For me this is only ♠10 away from being a normal 1NT overcall.
Yes, it can be dangerous to overcall, but it can be just as dangerous if you don't. As I have said roughly 91 times before: when in doubt I prefer to take the active risk (bid) rather than the passive one (pass).
Posted 2008-March-07, 04:11
Walddk, on Mar 7 2008, 05:01 AM, said:
Agree completely with this.
Strive to play like Brian Lara, not Geoffrey Boycott.
(Roland, at least, will understand the reference

Posted 2008-March-07, 04:15
655321, on Mar 7 2008, 05:11 PM, said:
Walddk, on Mar 7 2008, 05:01 AM, said:
Agree completely with this.
Strive to play like Brian Lara, not Geoffrey Boycott.
(Roland, at least, will understand the reference

Overcalling 1NT on this is batting like Malcolm Marshall. Wasn't his average about 3? (Corresponds to the number of Aces you hold.)
Posted 2008-March-07, 04:38
And my four spades improves the chance that p can reopen if it's our board.
Sure we can get stolen from but 1NT with this hand is simply a misbid IMHO. I like p to trust I have more than this. And also this hand is not one with which I would like play 1NT unless p has a good suit we can set up quickly.
Posted 2008-March-07, 11:02
- hrothgar