Jlall, on Mar 5 2008, 03:00 PM, said:
Even if I could treat this hand as a 3 suiter I would not. I think that balanced is a much better description, and I think partner misevaluates too much when we show a stiff with our stiff K. This is the same reason a lot of people don't splinter with a stiff king and wouldn't open a precision 2D with KJxx Axxx K QJxx playing precision, etc.
Well, it will be interesting to see how the hand might turn out when geofspa post the rest of the hand. The 2NT bid as a three suiter is made over 2D/2H/or 2S response (And partner will not have AJ9xxx of hearts or AQxxxx of hearts or these auctions).
I can predict where this auction is going... If partner bid 2
♦, then odds are great he will bid 3
♣ over 2NT, and this hand will bid 4
♦ to show short heart and 2-3 "losers". Partner can bid 4
♥ to find out what I hold, and i would bid 4
♠ to show 4-1-4-4 and "three losers". If partner is curious, he can bid 4NT to ask controls, I would respond to that 5
♥ to show "8" (A=2, K=1). If partner is still curious he can bid 5NT to ask me to bid the cheapest suit in which I lack a queen. I bid 6
♠ promising the minor suit queens. One doesn't want to get to a grand in a 4-4 fit missing the queen of trumps.
Of course, partner doesn't have to use all, or any, of these asking bids. Once i have shown short hearts and 3 losers, he may sign off. He can also sign off in 4NT over my 4
♦ response if that is his wish (parnter likely two tricks in his hand to use 2
♦ and 3
♣ as his first two bids, see below.
The auction from 2NT might not go this way. For one thing, partner might have responded 2
♥ or 2
♠. If he did, then a 3
♣ bid by him is natural and non-forcing, but is rather scrambling. Even over a 2
♦ initial response, 3
♦ and 3
♥ over 2NT show only one trick and are meant as scrambling too.
Over 2c-2d-2n-3d = i bid 5D
over 2c-2d-2n-3h = i bid 3NT (partner knows i have spades should we have fit there)
There is one more auction to consider, partner might bid 3NT over 2NT. This shows diamonds and at least two tricks. On this one, I will bid to at least 6
♦'s. With my diamond holding, however, 3NT rebid by partner is essentially impossible.