Posted 2008-March-03, 12:03
I don't think know if I'm right but here's my thought.
assuming 4-3 spades and 4-2 or 3-3 clubs , I think this hand is about counting winners. our goal is to win 4 hearts 2 clubs 2 spades, so don't touch trumps, just drive out ace of spades, none of the opps can play diamonds (ruff and sluff), if RHO wins ace and plays small trump, play 9 of hearts, you're guaranteed for 4th heart trick. assume plays spade or club, finish spades then clubs, and if LHO wins third club, he is endplayed, why? , at this point we're at 11th trick, and we have 3 trumps (K97) we have won 6 tricks ( diamond ruff , heart ace, 2 spades 2 clubs) , we'll certainly get one with K, now if LHO has 3 hearts (started with 4), he'll have to waste Q or J, otherwise we'll win with 10 at dummy. if RHO has 3 hearts left, he'll have to waste one of his J or Q to whatever LHO returns, if hearts are 2-1 , no problem, if RHO wins last club, we'll play small heart to whatever he leads, if LHO wins with J or Q of hearts, he's endplayed again. This way caters to 4-1 trump distributions.
if spades are 5-2, this way may lose a spade trick since we didnt pull trumps. in that case we need to hope 3-2 hearts with 3 with short spade.
RHO passes, and, playing a weak notrump style, you open 1♥. Partner bids 1N, forcing and an artificial 2♦ over your 2♣. 2♦ is a puppet to 2♥, either weak, as here, or various hand-types. I mention this because RHO doubles 2♦. The opening lead is the ♦ A followed by the Q, which RHO overtakes to lead the J. You ruff with the 7 and cash the top trump. Both opps follow low. How do you continue, and why. Experts/advanced, hide answers please