South could have rebid 3♠ to show a minimum with no fit. His 4♣ showed game forcing values over the F1 natural 3♦, while a 3♠ rebid could be passed. Desperate for tricks, declarer put in the ♥Q, which held. How would you continue?
A second question: North took some time before bidding 3♦, a sign that he was considering other actions and (in his partner's experience) plotting further developments in the auction. Should this UI bar opener from gambling on a favorable fit? Or could he be criticised for choosing a conservative and nonforcing 3♠ rebid, secure in the belief that partner would continue bidding?
If you were on an Appeals committee, would you vote to
(1) Roll back 6♣ making to 5♣+1, if that was the case, or
(2) Penalize South for using UI to choose a nonforcing rebid, if he had done so?
2♠(6+♠, 10-14 HCP)-3♦-4♣-6♣
Lead: ♥3