The judge ruled against the board under the "exception clause", stating that Intelligent Design was ceationism, thus religious based, while the city of Dover voted out the entire school board membership who had attempted to add Intelligent Design to the school system.
Pat Robertson told his TV show that the town had turned its back on God.
The founder of the conservative Christian Broadcasting Network and Christian Coalition has faced criticism for past provocative statements.
"If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them."
I have a question over these comments - how can an insistence on science retaining its purity to deal only in those areas that are testable and provable in any way be construed as a "rejection of god"? Once you allow a non-verifiable explanation into science, it is no longer science.
Why is this a problem and why is it so hard to understand? And why do people like Pat Robertson fight so hard to change it?