Would you start with a heart ruff, to shorten your trump in case RHO appears to have Txxx?
A lot of things would be necessary for you to make if RHO has 4 trump.
First of all, RHO will have to be 4-3-3-3 or 4-2-3-4 for this to work, and you can basically eliminate 4-2-3-4 unless W has the singleon ace of clubs, because he's likely to lead a singleton club unless it's the ace. Not only that, but to make it work with the entry situation, LHO has to have the jack of clubs and RHO the ace of clubs. Let's follow the play, how it would have to go:
Ace of spades, ace of hearts, heart ruff. AK of diamonds, diamond ruff. if RHO has the ace of clubs, it's right to ruff a heart, play the king of spades to confirm the spade situation, and lead the Q of clubs, followed by a finnesse of the 10 of clubs if the queen holds. Then you can coup RHO. If LHO has the ace of clubs and RHO 4 spades, there is no successful line of play (assuming that you start with the A of trump, which seems reasonable).
- 3D followed by 3S=GF in S
- 4C: cue (1st or 2nd) / 3NT would be weaker (only 1 control)
- 4NT: RKC
- 5D: 3/0
- 5H: Queen?
- 6C: yes and club K (I don't know why my partner did bid 6C)