What is the meaning of this redouble?
Posted 2007-September-20, 00:00
2♣ p 2♦ p
2♥ p p X
1♠ = limited (precision)
1NT = forcing
2♣ = could be doubleton
2♦ = asks for a 2♥ bid, will either be passed or can contain other hands (kind of Bart in reverse). 2♥ over 2♣ would have asked opener to run with a singleton
2♥ = as requested
Meaning of the double is unknown. What is redouble?
Posted 2007-September-20, 00:20
So I'd say this probably should show a good hand.
- hrothgar
#3 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2007-September-20, 00:22
Posted 2007-September-20, 07:37
I think xx shows at least a doubleton heart and a max 1S opener.
Posted 2007-September-20, 07:43
pclayton, on Sep 20 2007, 08:37 AM, said:
Why wouldn't this hand want to play in 2♥X?
If partner really does have 6 good hearts, he can leave in the XX, I suppose. But with a heart stack to opener's right, this does not look like a good situation.
Posted 2007-September-20, 08:22
jtfanclub, on Sep 20 2007, 05:43 AM, said:
pclayton, on Sep 20 2007, 08:37 AM, said:
Why wouldn't this hand want to play in 2♥X?
If partner really does have 6 good hearts, he can leave in the XX, I suppose. But with a heart stack to opener's right, this does not look like a good situation.
One of two things is happening here:
The double is takeout and LHO has a real problem. His hearts are sitting under the bidder and is wondering if they have a playable spot in 3 minor. Why cant we communicate to partner that its OK to double that?
The double is penalty (highly unlikely with good opponents I think). Who knows what LHO is doing? He might pull - he might sit.
I'd be very happy if the final contract is 2H x'd. I'd be more happy if the contract is 2H xx'd. Pard will be pleased to know I'm a max when he doubles 3D

Posted 2007-September-20, 08:27
If it's not clear what redouble means, it's strong => redouble shows a good hand.
Posted 2007-September-20, 09:29
Posted 2007-September-20, 12:13
keylime, on Sep 20 2007, 10:29 AM, said:
A couple things to add.
One is I forgot to mention partner can not be 14-16 if balanced, we would always open 1NT with that (could be 5224 though.)
The other is he can't be a max 5314, we bid 2♠ artificial over 2♦ to show a hand that is worth significant extras in support of hearts, in case partner is about to pass a 2♥ bid.