I thought we were rather lucky to scrape 17%, despite that no-one else in the field was playing Raptor. The field was divided between 2C and double, and of those who bid 2C, some were allowed to protect again at the 2 level - cudos to our South for bidding 3D on a weak hand with Diamond length.
Q1: *IF* you are *NOT* playing Raptor, how do you rate double v 2C (or other?). The obvious risk of double is that partner may bid Hearts. The fans of ELC probably are not put off by that (until they find that the opponents have cramped out their prepared rebid in Clubs). The obvious risk of 2C is that the Spades may go begging. Well, that is what Raptor was invented for, of course, but like I say you are living without it for now.
Q2: Despite your choice to bid 2C on this hand (like it or not), do you think E/W should still have got together in Spades, and if so, suggest the subsequent auction? Assume opposition silence except that South will bid 3D if he can.
Q3: To those who like Raptor, can you *purleaze* expand on how you deal with hands that would (without playing Raptor) have overcalled a natural 1NT? All the resources that I have googled on t'Internet gloss over this point. They acknowledge that it is a problem but provide no solution other than just pass or double as first action according to style, but provide no followup sequences after the first action.
Result +1, 17% to E/W