Posted 2007-September-14, 11:56
Hand 1:
I have some sympathy for South's 2♣ call over 1♠. He has to do something and he can't pass intending to pass a reopening double of 1♠ - his spades are not good enough.
I do not understand East's 2♠ call - he is 5-5, but his hand is terrible and his spade suit is terrible for a 5 card rebid at IMPs.
Even at IMPs I would double 2♠ holding the South hand. Of course, North will pull and South will still bid 3NT.
The auction was strange, but the final contract is fairly normal.
Hand 2:
North has got to decide if his hand is one-suited or two-suited. If he is treating it as a one-suiter, he should overcall hearts and not introduce his diamond suit later in the auction. If he is treating it as a two-suiter, he should make a Michaels cue bid over 1♠ (or use whatever methods the partnership employs for two-suited overcalls) and be done with it. His hand is not good enough to overcall hearts and then bid diamonds. South has a right to expect North to have a more suitable hand on this auction - for example, x AJTxx AKTxx xx or better. Passing 4♦ on this auction is impossible.
On this auction, I would expect to make 6♦ more frequently than fail in 5♦.