Posted 2007-September-06, 11:34
In my opinion, the first bad bid in this auction was 2S. There is lots of space between 1S and 4S and some of it should be used to describe hand type. Here Opener
a. Had only Jxx in support
b. Was 4333 with scattered honors
c. Lived in hearts
After 1C and positive, non-raises should not be thought of as denying support. You are in a game forcing auction and you should be exchanging information (source of tricks, nature of the support, and so on). Immediate raises should really strongly suggest that you belong in that strain.
I think the auction should go:
1C-1S(natural)-1N(natural)-2D(natural)-2S(3 card support, balanced hand)-3D(natural)-3H(values)-3S(sets trumps)
and now whether opener Qbids 4D, signs off in 4S, or bids a non-serious 3N (if you play that) the auction is under control. My choice would be:
3N(non-serious)-4C(Qbid)-4D(Qbid)-6D(choice of slams, since opener should not have enough to make a grand after this auction)-P
Now its quite lucky that that Diamonds was better than spades (4 discards on the hearts), so I have sympathy for over 4D:
Opener should never be tempted to convert to 6N in this auction. After 1N-2D he already knows there might be a problem in clubs....
2♠ -5♥*