Posted 2007-September-05, 18:11
The vulnerability and form of scoring makes a huge difference to me.
Say they were red ... passing becomes very much more attractive, even if we factor in the likelihood of RHO holding AQJ9xxx of clubs.
If partner has the spade A, we have an excellent chance of 200 or more (2 diamonds, 1♠, a ruff and a natural trump trick and we still have the ♥K and partner rates to hold more than the spade A and out.
If they are white, then passing aims for a narrow target: essentially we are hoping that NS cannot go plus declaring, and that doesn't seem right.
So at mps, if they are red, I pass. If they are white I bid 3♦.
Imps brings in more factors yet. Bidding to score +110 or +130 makes little sense since we rate to go plus on defence even if partner lacks the spade A.. after all, I am getting on lead again while still with a small trump (or 2). If they are red, we may well win imps on defence even if we can make 130. If they are white, then we may give away a couple of imps, but we still win if both sides fail.
But of course, bidding wins big at imps if we can bid and make a game. If our long suit were a major, it would be a no-brainer.. we'd bid our long suit.
Is this hand good enough when the suit is diamonds? My gut says 'probably'
I then did a quick and dirty simulation, which I won't pretend had great constraints, but the results showed that it was a toss-up whether overcalling generated more good results than passing. What it did show was that overcalling, when right, was much better than passing when passing was right... overcalling got to more making games than it got to failing contracts, and the game bonus is king (on hands like these where the risk of a penalty double is relatively low) at imps. My gut, for a change, seems to have it right, at least based on a possibly flawed and certainly small-sample simulation.
So I think: pass at mps, clearer when the opps are red than when they are not, and bid 3♦ at imps, clearer when we are red than when they are not.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari