A word of warning to the beginners reading this thread.
Opening light in third seat is something you willl need to do to win. Having said that, you should have a reason for doing so other than it being your turn to bid. Luis is a truely expert player, and his partner opens very light hands in first or second seat (he plays moscito). Ron (the hog) is also an excellent player whose partners also tend to open very light (and not surprisingly he also plays moscito). I am not sure what the current "lightest" is for a normal moscito opening bid is in forst or second seat, but it is something like 8 or 9 hcp. So on these hands they have both some protection in opening light (they will not catch their partner wiht a junky 12 count and have him/her leap somewhere silly).
Now for most of us non-moscito players, there are three good reasons to open light in third seat.
1) To protect partner who might have passed a fairly good hand (not a consideration of course for people who open 8, 9 and 10 pt hands, but something for us beginners to think about).
2) To suggest a line of defense (an opening lead) or a good suit to compete for the part score in.
3) To mess up their auction. It is harder to bid accuartely if the opponents (this is us) are stepping all over our auction.
Now both luis and ron will say, no doubt, even playing sayc or 2/1 they would open these hands third seat. But they trust their expeirence, and more importantly their partnters, not to get into too much trouble with these bids. But you will have to worry not only about your first bid, but also your second. What if it goes 1
♣. or 1
♣ for that matter. Do you bid 2
♥ do you pass, have you thought out what your auction should be and will your partner understand it?
Go ahead, experiment with these extremely on line third seat bids on line and see what works for you. On line the occassional total disaster will not be too painful (real world -1100 hurt so much more than on-line ones). But bear in mind, I think suggesting all of these as blanket third seat opening bids to beginners (the audience in this discussion group) is like handing kids a box of matches.
And while Ron said he would open in third seat all those hand, he passed this hand out on jan 18th from the third seat. I don't know what he uses to suggest this hand is worst than the the ones in this quiestion, but I would open this one 1
♠ third seat. Maybe he opens extremely light or sound, but not inbetween?
This is not to say I am against recommending the to beginners opening light. Take a look at the 12 hands played in the first think with fred match, where if you will permit me to call myself an expert, four experts opened light in third seat three out of 11 hands. In addition, you will see one hand where fred gitelman had an oppotunity to open light in third seat and didn't. I think those hands might be helpful to your study of htis topic.