I feel that a number of good bids and inferences are made in this auction.
- North's 3♥ rebid is well judged, upgrading the hand with semi-solid hearts and spade fit.
- South's 4♦ is a cuebid agreeing hearts - not natural as why introduce a new suit when partner has a single suiter? Actually South is looking for the ♠K to bid the grand slam.
- North's 5♣ is correct as he is always bidding slam now, so plans to show the ♠K on the next round.
- South's 5♠ is a grand slam try. It must show a heart honour as North has not guaranteed a solid suit.
- North's 6♦ is the bid of a man who just kept on cuebidding without thinking too much about the final destination. The subsequent 7♥ bid should really have been made on this round.
An excellent effort, especially considering that there was over 30 people in the audience watching every move.
I particularly like this hand as it shows how a beginner can develop the confidence to bid a grand slam without using any form of Blackwood.
1♥ - 1♠
3♥ - 4♦*
5♣* - 5♠*
6♦* - 6♥
7♥ - Pass