N - E- S- W
P- P- 1♦ 1♥
x- 2♠ 3♥
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Is 3 H a reverse?
Posted 2007-August-10, 16:35
3♥ is a cuebid in the given auction
If the bidding is instead 1♦-1♠-X-2♠-3♥ then no, it is not a reverse
If the bidding is instead 1♦-1♠-X-2♠-3♥ then no, it is not a reverse
Posted 2007-August-10, 16:36
It's a cue bid of West's suit ... do you have the bidding right ?
♣♦♥♠ Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that other philosophers are all jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself. H.L. Mencken. ♣♦♥♠
Posted 2007-August-10, 17:09
If the bidding is instead 1D-1♠-X-2♠-3♥ then no, it is not a reverse
It sure is, and opposite partenr's possible 5/6 hcp it is forcing to game.
In the given auction 3H makes no sense, without an agreement which I don't play.
Posted 2007-August-10, 17:16
pbleighton, on Aug 10 2007, 05:09 PM, said:
If the bidding is instead 1D-1♠-X-2♠-3♥ then no, it is not a reverse
It sure is, and opposite partenr's possible 5/6 hcp it is forcing to game.
Double showed 4 hearts, so 3♥ is just a raise, showing a little extra, but I have never heard of it played as forcing. Partner didn't double with 5hcp btw unless he has 5 hearts or more.
The easiest way to count losers is to line up the people who talk about loser count, and count them. -Kieran Dyke
Posted 2007-August-10, 17:20
Presuming the auction we all think you meant, of course it's not a reverse. This is by the same logic that 1♦ (1♠) X (P) 2♥ is not a reverse.
Please let me know about any questions or interest or bug reports about GIB.
Posted 2007-August-10, 17:29
Double showed 4 hearts, so 3♥ is just a raise, showing a little extra, but I have never heard of it played as forcing. Partner didn't double with 5hcp btw unless he has 5 hearts or more.
Oops, asleep again.
Posted 2007-August-11, 02:11
I assume west overcalled 1♠, not 1♥, north made a negative double showing 4+♥'s and east raised to 2♠. If that's correct, I totally agree with Josh: 3♥ is no reverse. It just shows 4-card support and denies an absolute minimum.
Kind regards,
Posted 2007-August-12, 08:54
ok, thanks everyone, was a raise and not a reverse or cue bid. I guess the bidding looked weird, I'll try it this way
P (P) 1♦ (1♠) X (2♠) 3♥
P (P) 1♦ (1♠) X (2♠) 3♥
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