Posted 2007-August-07, 09:14
North didn't preempt enough with a passed-hand-partner. I'd bid 3♠ at least. And probably 4, depending on what I'd had for lunch. I can take either 6 or 7 tricks in my own hand if ♠ are trump (depending on the Jack of trump), and at these colors overbidding by 4 tricks is fine.
If West dealt and opened then p isn't a passed hand, and I'm just overcalling 1♠ on the North hand.
The remainder of the bids by NS are too awful to comment on. North in particular violated Bill Root's Cardinal Rule of Pre-Empts, and did it twice: Pre-empt as high as you dare, and then shut up, unless partner forces you or invites you to take action.
South's raise wasn't good, to be sure, but if North had followed the Cardinal Rule, it would not have led to so much mischief.
♣♦♥♠ Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that other philosophers are all jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself. H.L. Mencken. ♣♦♥♠