Scheveningse Bridgeweek, 48-board butler. This took place during the qualifying segment where we scored in total 50 IMPs on 24 boards, ending 8th of 51 thereby qualifying for the "Hoofdklasse" segment (highest regional competition level). Sorry for bragging, but as ordinary club players we are very proud of this achievement
Opps are a regular partnership, not top players but with amble experience from regional competition. (yes the vulnerability is not a mistake!!!!). Board approximate on the basis of loose memory.
♠=13 cards (after a lot of asking I managed to elicit the clarification "tends to deny a 5-card major". They never thought about the difference between 1
♠ and pass, though)
Pass=not sure what a double would mean and a little weak for 2
♥. Maybe it gets easier in next round.
♣=unassuming cuebid
Pass=*****, pd will almost certainly protect with a double so they can run.
♣ must be a contract improvement
Pass=I can't show these values anyway, let's go for a plus.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket