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my new system

#1 User is offline   Flame 

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Posted 2007-August-04, 15:47

I was thinking alot lately and finnaly i have something i like,its obviosly need alot more details and some things will change but you can see the general idea and hopfully comment about it.

1♣ - bal No 4+M 12-17
16+ 4+♠
14+ 5+♥ not bal

1 - 14+ one suiter (includes 5m-4om)
18-20 bal
any 20+

1♥ - 11-21
4/5♥ bal

1♠ - 4+♠ 8-15 hcp
not 8-10 bal
not 8-11 6♠
This is exactly TWF 1♠ which we experienced with success and lots of fun.

1NT – 5♥4m 9-13(14)
2♣ - 6♣ or 5♣4 9-13(14)
2 - 6 or 54♣ 9-13(14)
2♥ - 6♥ 9-13(14) (could be added to the 1♥ like in 1♠(
2♠ - 8-11(12) TWF
2NT – 11-15 5-5 minors . TWF

1♣ development
1♣ - 1 catch-all bid not good for any other responde this includes :
0-11 with a minor
0-7 bal with no 4M
0-11 with 4M
12+ with a M suit.
1♥ - 0-11 5♥ not 4♠
1♠ - 0-11 5♠
1NT 8-10 no 4M
2m – 12+ nat
2♥ - 5♥4♠ 0-11

1♣ - 1
1♥ - 16+ 4♠
1♠ - 16+ 5♠
1NT – 12-17 bal (this big range is suppose to defend us against penalty double that happened in polish club like system when this range is 12-14.
2m – 14+ 5♥4m
2♥ - 14+ 5♥4♠

1♣ - 1
Pass – 0-8
2m – 7-11 nat
2M – 12+ nat
2NT – 9-11 bal
3NT – 12-15 bal

1♣ - 1♥
Pass – 12-14 bal
1♠ - 16+ 5+♠
1NT – 15-17 bal no 3♥, could have 4♠
2m – 16+ 4♠5m

Pass – 12-14 bal
1NT – 15-17 bal no 3♠
2m – 14+ 5♥4m

1♣ - 1NT
pass – 12-14(15) bal
2m – 16+ 5m4♠
2♥ - 14+ 5♥4other
2♠ - 16+ 5♠
2NT (15)16-17 bal (4♠ possible)

1 development

1 - 1♥ - 0-7 artificial
1♠ - 8-14 or 19+ artificial
1NT 15+ artificial

1 - 1♥
1♠ - 20+ artificial
1NT – 18-20 (not sure what to do with 20 bal)
2X – 14-19 one suiter (could be 5m4om)

1 - 1♠
1NT – 18+ artificial GF
2X – 14-17 (could be 5m4om)

1 - 1NT

Any comment or help in continuations (especially on 1...) are welcomed.

#2 User is offline   Flame 

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Posted 2007-August-04, 16:00

Some general ideas that led me into this system.
1. We played TWF and like the 1 alot.
2. 1NT, 2m, 2 have premptive value being higher then 1, the suit we fear the opponenets hold.
3. At the begging i was traying to make 2m 6+ and take care of the 5m-4m elsewere but first its a problem to put them elsewhere second i think its not very important and third the premptive value of opening at the 2 level with 9 cards in the minors is great.
4. Seperating between 5 unbalanced and other hands with is imo very important in the competitive battle.
5. the 14+ one suiter are 2 bids hands (davidc) so i copied the idea from a system we saw here not long ago.
6. the 1 - 1M - P is cool and good imo.
7. 12-17 bal range in the 1 will help against penalty double (i could have taken the 15-17 into the 1 yet i think its better this way)
1NT - p we can still have 24(25) hcp and its harder to double us then in posish club.
8. after 1 im not sure how the continuation will look like but i think either opener has the one suiter or he will relay and respoder will show what he got.
9. im not sure about ranges, for now iv put all the non spade bids as up to 13, iv played with it and maybe it got to change, currently maybe the weakness of the system is the 5H4others that have to be start with 1 so maybe this should be abit higher then 14.
10. i didnt write it but currently i think more shappy hands like 5-5 or 6-5 with a major suit will begin with 1C and jump at the second bid.
nough i want to sleep...

#3 User is offline   Robert 

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Posted 2007-August-05, 07:08

Hi Flame

If you enjoy these methods, play them. I enjoy collecting and building systems. :)

FN uses the opposite approach. Unlimited one bids, weak NT and 'wide ranging' two bids. This makes their one bids better defined.

Do you have a problem with competition? The modern game with numerous light overcalls and jump raises would be fairly effective against many of these two way bids and the wide ranging 1NT bid.

That 12-17 NT range is a possible problem area. I have played 13-17 in Blue Team Club, however, since the 13-15 range shows clubs, the 1NT bid is normally strong.

Your 12-17 1NT will normally be weak since the number of 12-14 hands is much higher than the number of 15-17 hands.

I would not worry too much about penalty doubles of a weak 1NT, I have played them for several decades and the fear of being doubled is mostly from those that do not play them. Just have good methods to escape if doubled for penalty.

Those 0-11 jump replys(5H/4S) might be better off with a Meckwell style 2H@6-9 and 2S showing the same hand with 10-11. Playing your methods 2H@0-9 and 2S=10-11

For your 1D opening and replies, you might want to read up on Romex. They play a forcing 1NT opening bid. For your 1C opening bids, you might want to read up on the Power System(Ron Klinger) since his 1C bidding is something like yours.


#4 User is offline   benlessard 

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Posted 2007-August-06, 03:09

The most important tips i can give you is look at your system after an overcall by an opp.


Here the wide nt range will hurt you bad so does the hand with 5

1---pass---1catch all---(any overcall)

Here both the opener and responder could have good hands but we dont know the suits.

Since the frequency of the 1 opening will be high and the 1 resonse to it also i see a lot of trouble water ahead.

Complex and sharp system are often good on paper but many good ideas don't survive ennemies overcall.
From Psych "I mean, Gus and I never see eye-to-eye on work stuff.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."

#5 User is offline   Flame 

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Posted 2007-August-09, 06:11

I was at the hospital for few days and now that i have a new beutiful girl :) i dont care about this system as much but still ill responde.
First one thing that have to change (back as it was before i posted) the 1-1NT does not deny 4 major, this is what makes the 12-17 NT range possible since after 1C-1D-1NT respoder wont have 8-10 bal.
About the competitve the all idea of this system was to make it good for competitve, the 2 level including the 1NT are made to kill opponents 1S bid, the 1S being is agressive kill the opponenets 1H bid. 1H being defined by the ODR of the hand much better then any other system i know and less by its hcp is ment to put responder at the best position to push to the right level.
Now to the 1C and 1D, its true that those are 2 way bids but the idea was to put in there type of hands that can usually bid again if the opponeents overcall because its strong enough and have shape. This is what happend with the 1 suiter hand in 1D, when u have good 14+ hcp and a 6 card suit you will usully be able to show it after the opponents bid, the 18-20 bal or 20+ will find its way too (usually double).
The 1C is a bit problematic, the most common hand is the weak opening bal, this is the defult hand, this is what respoder expect, if opener has something else he will usully make another move, now this might not always be easy with 15 hcp bal or the 5H hands. This is why i think the 1NT should be bit stronger. Also its very possible to switch between the 15-17 and the 18-20 bal hands, this mean that the 1C bal will be 12-14 or 18-20, not its clear that 12-14 pass and 18-20 bids, while in the 1D the default hand a 15-17 bal will not make another move, a good 14 one suiter will bid its suit and a strong 20+ will usually begin with a double.
I can give exmples like 1D-1H-P-2H-2S which is great for the system showing 6S and 14-18 hcp, while you can ask me what will you do after 1D-1S-P-4S-?
Any system has harder time when opponenets atack, i think my system will do better job then other systems especially when opponeents bid.

#6 User is offline   skjaeran 

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Posted 2007-August-09, 11:25

Flame, on Aug 9 2007, 02:11 PM, said:

I was at the hospital for few days and now that i have a new beutiful girl :)

Congratulations!! :)
Kind regards,

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