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feedback on the bidding please

#1 User is online   jillybean 

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Posted 2007-July-11, 13:09

2 hands. Comments please, ty


Scoring: IMP

West North East South

 -     -     -     Pass
 1    2    Pass  Pass


Scoring: IMP

West North East South

 -     -     Pass  2
 3    3    Pass  Pass

"And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly." MikeH
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#2 User is offline   pbleighton 

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Posted 2007-July-11, 13:33

1. I would open as South, many wouldn't, it's a style issue. Given that pass, West could definitely double, though he is light on hcp for it. Again, a style issue.
2. Another style issue - 2S in the second seat. Th colors argue for bidding, the hand for passing. 3C is fine, I don't like 3S. I play double as penalties here, so I'm left with pass, 3H, or 4S. I pass, given what South opened on, I assume North knows this. If the preempting style were solid in the second seat, I would bid 4S.


#3 User is offline   pclayton 

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Posted 2007-July-11, 13:36

1. I'd reopen with a double as west. The hand has some nice QT's and a fit for the other suits. East would sit. Does it make? Probably - write down -470 :(

It looks like we have a better spot in 2N with all of the nice spots, but 2N for me after the double is scrambling. Maybe 3 is indicated, but that doesn't look like fun either.

2. I think 3 is kind of nullo. I'd probably try 3 and step into 4, which looks like it fails.

Sometimes life isn't fair. These are the kind of hands you get in a bad matchpoint session. I realize its IMPs, and sometimes you get results like this.
"Phil" on BBO

#4 User is online   jillybean 

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Posted 2007-July-11, 14:31

2 makes
3-1 I didnt like the bid at all but others bid 4 or let opps play in 1

Maybe this is just BBO bridge, I don't know. :(
"And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly." MikeH
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#5 User is offline   P_Marlowe 

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Posted 2007-July-11, 16:00

#1 3S, just ask yourself, how will you fell
if 4H comes back
Given the vulnerability and partner being
a passed hand, even 4S is reasonable
Pass by South is ok, you may even say,
good bridge

#2 North should pass, depends on your weak 2
style, but given the vulnerability even a 5
card suit is possible (maybe KQJxx being 2nd

With kind regards
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)

#6 Guest_Jlall_*

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Posted 2007-July-11, 22:29

2S is a very good bid on the first, 1S would be ok, 3S or 4S would be hopeless. West should reopen over 2S which gives east a nasty problem. Unfortunately I wouldn't play his 2N as natural.

#7 User is offline   kenrexford 

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Posted 2007-July-12, 05:13

Hand #1 cracks me up. Poor Opener when he usually reopens.

Hand #2 also cracks me up. 3 has a very good chance of making.

Suppose a stiff heart lead, for instance. If Opener hops Ace, spade King, club out, LHO is semi-endplayed. He fires back a club, ruffed. Top spade, spade out.

LHO is probably in again to lead another club, ruffed.

Diamond queen, ducked even if covered. If covered, win the club return with your last trump and win the rest. You have pitched one heart on the spade King, one on the small spade, and two pitches on clubs. If ducked, you duck the next diamond. Actually making four.

LHO can counter this by a jettison, which allows RHO to win the heart King and hold you to 140.
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-P.J. Painter.

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