Posted 2007-July-12, 05:13
Hand #1 cracks me up. Poor Opener when he usually reopens.
Hand #2 also cracks me up. 3♠ has a very good chance of making.
Suppose a stiff heart lead, for instance. If Opener hops Ace, spade King, club out, LHO is semi-endplayed. He fires back a club, ruffed. Top spade, spade out.
LHO is probably in again to lead another club, ruffed.
Diamond queen, ducked even if covered. If covered, win the club return with your last trump and win the rest. You have pitched one heart on the spade King, one on the small spade, and two pitches on clubs. If ducked, you duck the next diamond. Actually making four.
LHO can counter this by a jettison, which allows RHO to win the heart King and hold you to 140.
"Gibberish in, gibberish out. A trial judge, three sets of lawyers, and now three appellate judges cannot agree on what this law means. And we ask police officers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and citizens to enforce or abide by it? The legislature continues to write unreadable statutes. Gibberish should not be enforced as law."
-P.J. Painter.