A case in point is the following hand which was played in the topflight event on Monday. This is an interesting hand, when looking at NS hands alone, 7H looks cold, but a lightner double by West asking for a spade lead would defeat the grand slam. This lead to a useful discussion of ligthner double at one table. Analysis on whether 6S could make took had a small discussion before 6NT became the final contract. This lead to useful discussion on if declarer would make the slam or not. Some felt the play would be low the club-Queen and when that loses, hook the club jack on the way back losing two club tricks. Others thought declarer, an excellent gold star, would work the hand out and make it.
Here is the interesting play at one table in topflight.
H K876
C AT53
S ST9653
H52 HQT3
DQJT543 D982
CK9764 CJ8
Pass Psss 3S Pass
4D Pass 4H Pass
4S Pass 5C Pass
5H Pass 5S Pass
6NT Pass Pass Pass
The DQ was won by the ACE. Before winning the ace, declarer thought for a while This hand is hardly difficult if you can get 5S tricks (5S+2D+1C+ 4 likely H). Declearer was probably thinking about ducking the first diamond to “correct the count” for a possible squeeze should spades split 5-0. But, he didn’t duck for two reasons. First, 7H looks like it would roll home if spades split, in which case a squeeze maybe needed to take 13 tricks. But more importantly, probably, is that the double squeeze (both in diamonds, East in spades, west in clubs) would fail because there is no ENTRY in the both suit (diamonds). A different squeeze needs to be found. A vulnerable stopper squeeze where you correct the count later in the hand.
I forget declarer’s exact sequence, but it was something very much like this. Win DA, cash SPADE QUEEN (find out the “bad news”). Cash heart King, hook a heart, win all top spades, throwing away a diamond. Then win heart ACE, and lead the last heart in this position.
DJ5 D98
CK97 CJ8
On the heart 9. WEST is squeezed In an interesting way. If he discards a high diamond (unblocking), EAST must keep two diamonds, and can’t afford to discard a spade, so he discards a low club. Now south, with full count, cashes Diamond king for a spade discard and then leads club queen, and when WEST covers, ducks in dummy. This allows him to make no matter if EAST or WEST held club jack. On the other hand, if WEST keeps both diamonds and discards a low club, EAST is squeezed. IF he discards a club, south can cash the Diamond king and pin the club jack with the lead of the queen. Finally, if west goes the way of least resistance and discards the low club, and EAST a diamond. South cashes the diamond King – discarding a spade from dummy, and endplays west by exiting a diamond.
For kibitizers, this showed a well played hand fun analysis by the expert kibitzers, that waffled into zones like lightner doubles, why bid 6NT instead of 6H (it was matchpoints), and how to play a difficult hand. Cool, watch for Topflight events and consider "playing along" with fellow kibitizer... another great learning tool on the BBO.