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2NT opening and minor onesuiters

#1 User is offline   lowerline 

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Posted 2007-June-19, 05:28

After a 2NT opening it seems pretty normal to play:

3 = Puppet Stayman
3/ = Jacoby
3 = Minor Suit Stayman
3NT = to play
4 = Gerber
4/ = Texas
4 = weak minor twosuiter
4NT = quanti

Can someone explain to me how one bids a minor onesuiter in this scheme? If you want to propose a different scheme: I insist on keeping the 3NT response natural.


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Posted 2007-June-19, 05:52

lowerline, on Jun 19 2007, 08:28 PM, said:

I insist on keeping the 3NT response natural.

This is a problem, but a good idea- I didn´t insist and played some funny 3 NT contracts...

But the problem is still solvable, but you have to give up on some other bids:
First possibility: Give up on finding 4/4 card minor suit slam and play 3 Spade as forcing with one minor. An easy later bidding is that pd just answers 3 NT as a puppet and you bid 4 of your minor.

Another solution would be to play 4 and 4 as natural and SI.
Who needs gerber and Texas after a 2 NT opening?
Regarding Texas: You can play 4 and direct as SI one suiters. Yes this may wrongside the contract but otoh a 2NT is so narrowly defined, it is quite easy to defend against it anyway.

And a third solution: Whatever 2 NT 3 3 any 4 or 4 shows: Delete the meaning and play it as forcing and a one suiter.

The bottom line: Like allways you have to give up something to reach something different.

I play 3 Spade as Transfer to 3 NT and 3 NT as puppet to 4 Club, so I am able to shoe a lot of different hand typess. But this is not necessary at all. Up to now, I never had a minor suit 4-4 fit, so no need to have minor suit stayman. But I had many hands which looks slamish with a one suiter opposite a 2 NT, so these hands are a must to bid.
Kind Regards


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Posted 2007-June-19, 06:05

A classic approach these days is for 3 to relay 3NT, as mentioned. Then, a typical "what next" is:

4 = club one-suiter, slammish
4 = diamond one-suiter, slammish

[sometimes these are reversed, bidding the other minor]

4 = 55 minors, stiff or void heart
4 = 55 minors, stiff or void spade
4NT = 2245/2254 quantitative

As mentioned, you can also play that 3NT shows something tricky, if 3 as a relay to 3NT is the only route to 3NT.

Personally, however, I prefer he above, with the one addition that 3 is somewhat asking. Opener can bid 3NT, as usual, but he can also bid 4 with a quantitative acceptance.
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Posted 2007-June-19, 06:15

If you can bid all suits you will no longer need gerber (you can stablish suit, then bid 4NT to ask for aces and king/queen of trumps)

Then you can play this

2NT-> 4 nat slamish

3NT/4->4 = nat slamish

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Posted 2007-June-19, 06:48

3 -> clubs. 3NT is then a hand not suited for a diamond slam
4 -> diamonds

Then minor suit stayman goes via 3. I like Gerben's Modified PS (Muppet Stayman):
3: No 5-card major. Now 3 is minor suit ask.
3N: 5-card hearts.

You loose Gerber, but you could play after
3: four spades
3: four hearts
3N: to play
4: minor suit ask
4: clubs
4: diamonds
4: ace asking
or maybe rotate the three latter so that there is more space after ace asking.

I suppose you could swap minor-suit-ask and the minor one-suiters, i.e. play 3 as minor suit ask and the bid all minor one-suiters via 3, but I have never seen that.
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Posted 2007-June-19, 06:55

How about:

4: Clubs
4: Diamonds
4: Ace Asking
4: 5+5+ minors

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Posted 2007-June-19, 07:06

i play

3 Muppet Stayman (3=no major; 2NT-3-3-3=5)
3/ Transfer
3-->3NT (then 4/ = minors unequal length, 4M = one minor RKC)
3NT play
4 55 minors
4/ Texas
4 44 minors (slam try)

#8 User is offline   foo 

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Posted 2007-June-19, 08:41

lowerline, on Jun 19 2007, 06:28 AM, said:

After a 2NT opening it seems pretty normal to play:

3 = Puppet Stayman
3/ = Jacoby
3 = Minor Suit Stayman
3NT = to play
4 = Gerber
4/ = Texas
4 = weak minor twosuiter
4NT = quanti

Can someone explain to me how one bids a minor onesuiter in this scheme? If you want to propose a different scheme: I insist on keeping the 3NT response natural.


In the old days, one would bid Stayman (of whatever type) and then rebid your m to show a single suited minor hand with slam interest.

Later, I used to play that 2N-3C;3foo-4m! not only showed the minor, it was 1430 in that minor (sometimes called "Minorwood").

Using Minorwood allowed Us to play either a minor slam or 5m safely, and therefore reduced the strength requirements needed to safely show the minor opposite a 2N Opening.

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