Will you bid 2nt?
#21 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2007-June-16, 16:52
Also whenever partner has 4 hearts and a 4 card minor we're going to get to hearts not the minor.
Posted 2007-June-16, 19:43
Echognome, on Jun 16 2007, 02:19 PM, said:
kenrexford, on Jun 16 2007, 12:16 PM, said:
Even though I find the choice between pass and 2NT, I think the upside of double is actually that you have Lebensohl (or variant) available, whereas over a 2NT call, you usually do not have as precise methods.
Huh? My methods over 2N, and I would guess pretty much anyone's, are a lot more precise than after double, simply because the 2N bidders strength is very well determined, whereas a double is about 13-37 hcp. The only downside is after a 2N bid partner can't sign off in 3♣, and he won't sign off in 3♦ with 4-card support.
I think the major downside of 2N is that we may end up in a 25-26 hcp 3N that has no play with a single spade stopper. (Jxx KQxx Kx Txxx). (The major upside is that you may end up in a 25-26 hcp 3N that is laydown.)
Posted 2007-June-17, 01:45
cherdano, on Jun 16 2007, 05:43 PM, said:
I think the major downside of 2N is that we may end up in a 25-26 hcp 3N that has no play with a single spade stopper. (Jxx KQxx Kx Txxx). (The major upside is that you may end up in a 25-26 hcp 3N that is laydown.)
Sigh. I don't understand your argument at all.
Maybe you can reread my post where I said "To me the choice is between pass and 2NT." Obviously you have a well defined 2NT that gets across your general hand strength and shape. So this is good as *you* have defined *your* hand well. However, partner does not have as much room to define *his* hand well. This isn't really a contentious point, however, as *by definition* he has more calls available after double than 2NT.
In the lebensohl I play with Jason, he can show invitational or better strength in a major, he can show invitational or better strength with diamonds, he can show game forcing strength with clubs, he can show 4 of the other major and GF with or without a stopper, or he can sign off in any suit. Furthermore, he can pass the double. So clearly he has a lot more options over double than he does over a 2NT call.
This is the upside I mention with double. The tradeoff is that *our* hand isn't as well defined. How that ends up on average obviously depends on partner's hand. You say that yours and pretty much everyone's methods are more precise than after double and I say you're wrong. I say that it depends on what partner's got over there.
Posted 2007-June-17, 09:34
The real problem with passing is the possibility that your side has a 5-3 heart fit. Bidding 2N will get you to the right level in hearts in that case. Double may destroy whatever remaining confidence your partner has in your judgement.

Posted 2007-June-17, 11:18
On the plus side, LHO is unlikely to double you because
1. he passed originally and
2. a 3rd seat preempt can be weaker than normal
2NT or dbl are both ok. 2NT more descriptive, dbl more flexible. I prefer 2NT.
Posted 2007-June-17, 15:10
Posted 2007-June-18, 04:07
Jlall, on Jun 16 2007, 10:52 PM, said:
Random 8 counts rate to lose many spade tricks in 3NT unless partner has ♠A.
Posted 2007-June-18, 04:07
kenrexford, on Jun 17 2007, 05:16 AM, said:
Your heart suit is not simple three-card, you lack even a helpful honor in hearts.
Your strength in HCP's and in defense is understated when you double, with insufficient avenues to both clarifying the poor hearts and showing the good overall strength.
Besides, who needs two spade stoppers here? I may be out there for occasionally overcalling 2NT with a mere bolster, but a full stop works well enough.
The upside to doubling is ease in finding the minor contract, admittedly, when 3♣ or 3♦ is the ideal contract.
1. I don´t see why xxx of Heart is worse then AKx. After all, this is the hand which should ruff the spades if there are any ruffs neccesary.
2. Yes double does not show the strength in one bid, but pd has many options to show his strength and shape, so the loss is there but not too big.
2. In NT you cannot even duck one round of spades. So 2 NT basically hopes to take all tricks before opps can take the lead again. This could work well, but it must not.
Pd must have a long running suit, or the K of Diamonds and the Q of clubs and a HEart stopper and some minor suit length to make 2 (3) NT work. But in this case you will reach 3 NT anyway.
3. if pd has some values, he will bid 3 of a suit and you can still bid 3 NT, so nothing is lost.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2007-June-18, 05:01
Opposite a non-passed partner I would double. Why? Because the most likely game is certainly 3NT, but it's quite possibly 3NT by partner (just think of Q10x opposite). If partner is not a passed hand, he can have a 12-13 count that's happy to drive game, and we'll reach the right game the right way up.
The problem with doubling on the current hand is that partner can't bid a natural 2NT over it. if he could, I would definitely double.
Posted 2007-June-18, 08:57
Posted 2007-June-18, 13:57
BebopKid (Bryan Lee Williams)
"I've practiced meditation most of my life. It's better than sitting around doing nothing."
(Tom Sims, from topfive.com)
Posted 2007-June-18, 14:31
cnszsun, on Jun 15 2007, 10:35 AM, said:
After 2 pass, your RHO opens 2♠ in 3rd seat, Is 2N a popular choice now?
As mikeh, ken, and Frances have already noted, 2N is the "book" bid here.
Anything else smacks of masterminding.
pd being a passed hand does !not! make it impossible for pd to have 8-11 HCP. And if pd does, We belong in Game. At equal vul, We are going to have to take 2♠ a wee bit more than what is reasonable for it to make up for Us missing a game.
In addition, I note that We are Red @ IMPs.
We're supposed to be in 34+% games in this situation.
If pd has 5+H and 8+ HCP, 4H could be considerably better than 1/3.
Show some backbone and make the book bid.
Posted 2007-June-18, 14:44
And if we do have game, double followed by partner's 3-bid and a 3NT call normally shows some hand like this (one spade stopper, extra values). Presumably a hand with multiple spade stoppers would either overcall 2NT or 3NT to begin with.
I suspect the real problem is going to be the hands where partscore is the limit. If partner has five hearts, it's again unlikely to matter (you reach 3♥ either way). The question is basically:
(1) How often will partner have exactly four hearts, and try bidding lebensohl followed by 3♥? How much better off are you in 2NT on these hands?
(2) How often will partner have a 4+ card minor which you would reach after double? How much worse are you in 2NT on these hands?
(3) How often is partner passing the double for a big plus score?
I would rate double as slightly better than 2NT here, but with no strong preference. Pass seems too likely to miss something unless you open virtually all tens (in which case I think pass is clearcut).
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2007-June-18, 20:19
If you are playing a system where pd's initial pass tends strongly to deny 10+ points, the odds of game being on Our way drop considerably.