Staying out of slam
Posted 2007-June-12, 18:44
Either way, the auction seems plausible, using light-version reversing style. If 3NT after 3♣ is meant systemically as a "slow down Henry" bid, that looks about right.
If 4♣ shows continuing interest and a top club, 4♦ renewed interest and two of the top three diamonds, 4♥ two of the top three hearts, and 4♠ first-or-second round control of spades, this sequence seems fairly good through this point as well.
It also seems possible (not sure here) that 4♠ was RKCB for clubs (a good idea), whoich would be my preference.
In either event, however, 5NT boggles me.
If 4♠ was RKCB for clubs, North(?) has a clear 4NT (0/3) answer, not 5NT. If 4♠ was a cuebid, North has a 4NT call as well (Clubs Last Train), seeking "more stuff." 5NT is unknown to me, unless this is a strange Quantitative bid.
All that said, it seems fairly difficult to stop at even 5NT because you do not know about the club Jack, Ten, and Nine, and even Eight. A98xx opposite Q10x is a fairly sound slam. A9xxx opposite Q10x is fairly good also. I doubt anyone can work that out.
So, other than a big "duh?" after 5NT, looks fairly good to me, just unfortunate.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2007-June-12, 19:56
Posted 2007-June-12, 20:01
Posted 2007-June-12, 20:17
If you can stay out of slam with 32 hcp and an 8 card fit, very well done.
Posted 2007-June-12, 20:25
Posted 2007-June-12, 20:28
If I have a way to show 18-19 balanced I would do it, but I think that just gets me to 6nt not 6clubs. I would force to 6nt now with the north hand, not invite with 4nt.
congrats to those who just bid 4nt invite with that north hand.
Posted 2007-June-12, 22:18
MickyB, on Jun 12 2007, 06:45 PM, said:
Honours count. Two decent players in a pick-up partnership. Mixed cues, 1430. 2♠ was needed to remove ambiguity, standard in England is for 3♣ over 2♦ to be NF. Any comments?
6♣: ap
IMHO, the proper bid by Responder after 4S is 4N "OK, I've told my story".
Since Opener has nothing extra either, they should choose either 4N or 5C To Play.
Posted 2007-June-12, 23:33
foo, on Jun 12 2007, 11:18 PM, said:
MickyB, on Jun 12 2007, 06:45 PM, said:
Honours count. Two decent players in a pick-up partnership. Mixed cues, 1430. 2♠ was needed to remove ambiguity, standard in England is for 3♣ over 2♦ to be NF. Any comments?
6♣: ap
IMHO, the proper bid by Responder after 4S is 4N "OK, I've told my story".
Since Opener has nothing extra either, they should choose either 4N or 5C To Play.
geez if 4nt told your story, wow......I have no idea how to stay out of slam after 4s on this auction....4nt invite seems way to weak. Par tner reversed for pete sake and have a giant hand. Reverse is not some random 16 hcp.
The last thing I am worried about after my partner reverses is missing a slam I do not want to miss a grand. Game would never be an option for me here.
Let me repeat that after this auction up to is never never an option!!!!!!!!1
Posted 2007-June-12, 23:44
a= shown GF values
b= implied 5 ♥'s or 44 ♠+♥
c= shown ♣ support
d= shown all his A's
What is there left for Responder to say? I certainly don't see anything else.
Yes, Responder's hand is great for this auction. But even great hands have a limited story to tell.
The original auction ended up in a ~34% contract. Clearly something needs to be different about the auction if this result is to be avoided in the future.
Everything up to 5N by Responder is eminently rational. But there was irrational result.
Therefore 5N by Responder is a bid that looks suspicious.
Posted 2007-June-12, 23:48
foo, on Jun 13 2007, 12:44 AM, said:
a= shown GF values
b= implied 5 ♥'s or 44 ♠+♥
c= shown ♣ support
d= shown all his A's
What is there left for Responder to say? I certainly don't see anything else.
Yes, Responder's hand is great. But even great hands have a limited story to tell.
1) first off no, great hands never have a limited story, that is why they are great.
2) I repeat if you can stay out of any any slam after 4s on this auction, wow, it would never enter my mind. I am more concerned with missing 7 than playing in 5.
3) perhaps most important I do not think I have shown all of my hand at 4s point of the bidding. I could have less.
Posted 2007-June-13, 00:05
Once my hand is more limited or more precisely described than pd's, pd is Captain.
And Captain makes the decisions.
I've shown A???.A????.???.A???. My actual hand is
Unless you know a way for me to say something like "I'm =2533 w/ the ♥Q", I really don't have anything else to say to pd. It should now be up to pd what to do next.
There are both stronger and more shapely hands where I would feel that I had not yet told my story. This is not one of them.
EDIT: Some things that would make me feel I had more to say
a= Having 4 card support for pd. (-1 D +1 C makes the OP Responder much better.)
(Axxx+Qxxxx plays for 1- losers ~89% of the time vs ~34% for Axx+Qxxxx)
b= Lower loser count in general.
c= Being a trick stronger than what I've shown so far.
Posted 2007-June-13, 00:24
the poor tump suit, but add the Jack of clubs
or the 109 of clubs and the slam is +50%,
please dont comment on the number in case
I got it wrong, dont shadder my selfconfidence ...
The bidding would have gone the same.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2007-June-13, 00:43
P_Marlowe, on Jun 13 2007, 03:24 PM, said:
the poor tump suit, but add the Jack of clubs
or the 109 of clubs and the slam is +50%,
please dont comment on the number in case
I got it wrong, dont shadder my selfconfidence ...
The bidding would have gone the same.
With kind regards
100 % agree
anybody who blames this pair to stay out of a slam has a tool to find out about the jacks or has too manys 5 ♣ + 1 on his scorecard.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2007-June-13, 01:44
MickyB, on Jun 12 2007, 11:45 PM, said:
Honours count. Two decent players in a pick-up partnership. Mixed cues, 1430. 2♠ was needed to remove ambiguity, standard in England is for 3♣ over 2♦ to be NF. Any comments?
6♣: P
I might rebid an offshape 2nt here because of the poor club suit and stiff HK, then it's rather
1C 1H
2N 3D(transfer, gf)
3N(no 3H or 4S) 4N(invitation)
pass, (seems an easy pass and 4nt can be high sometimes)
If I decide to reverse:
1C 1H
2D 2S(gf, extra length in H in our agreement)
2N(natural) 3C(natural)
3D(trunky diamonds, can't be 5-6 here) 3S(cue)
3N(very minimum, can't bypass 3N) 4H(cue, a slam try, 4D rkc can be ok, but slam try rates to be better than rkc, cause your club isn't very good either, the one with CJ should initialize it:), also 4H should show exact 3 clubs cause if you hold 4 clubs, you want to bid 4C to show it )
4N(let's play 4NT, since club is only 5-3 fit and my club sucks big time...) pass
Posted 2007-June-13, 01:48
junyi_zhu, on Jun 13 2007, 02:44 AM, said:
MickyB, on Jun 12 2007, 11:45 PM, said:
Honours count. Two decent players in a pick-up partnership. Mixed cues, 1430. 2♠ was needed to remove ambiguity, standard in England is for 3♣ over 2♦ to be NF. Any comments?
6♣: P
I might rebid an offshape 2nt here because of the poor club suit and stiff HK, then it's rather
1C 1H
2N 3D(transfer, gf)
3N(no 3H or 4S) 4N(invitation)
pass, (seems an easy pass and 4nt can be high sometimes)
If I decide to reverse:
1C 1H
2D 2S(gf, extra length in H in our agreement)
2N(natural) 3C(natural)
3D(trunky diamonds, can't be 5-6 here) 3S(cue)
3N(very minimum, can't bypass 3N) 4H(cue, a slam try, 4D rkc can be ok, but slam try rates to be better than rkc, cause your club isn't very good either, the one with CJ should initialize it:), also 4H should show exact 3 clubs cause if you hold 4 clubs, you want to bid 4C to show it )
4N(let's play 4NT, since club is only 5-3 fit and my club sucks big time...) pass
You guys make statements such as 4nt is straightforward but why?
Partner shows 18-19 hcp
We have a very nice 14 hcp with a 5 card suit.
Posted 2007-June-13, 01:56
maybe open 1♦ and rebid 2/3♣?
Posted 2007-June-13, 04:49
foo, on Jun 13 2007, 06:05 AM, said:
This is isn't the best approach. Systems should strive to make the stronger hand capitain, not the unlimited one.
As for the auction, seems like 4♣ was a bit on the optimistic side. Opener's 3NT clearly says "my reverse is lousy for playing a slam". After 4♣ there's no turning back.
Still, the slam is quite playable.
Posted 2007-June-13, 05:31
Posted 2007-June-13, 07:07
Honours count. Two decent players in a pick-up partnership. Mixed cues, 1430. 2♠ was needed to remove ambiguity, standard in England is for 3♣ over 2♦ to be NF. Any comments?
6♣: P