How can I lead, I don't have a heart... I am suppose to lead a trump against grand slams...
Ok, more serious. You want to impress Pam? Can partner have an ACE? Not likely, they used blackwood after all. Nor can partner have the trump king.
So next question, can partner ruff a spade? Do you really think they have a 9 card spade fit to AKQJ9 and never bid the suit? I guess one could have five and one four, but the bidding doesn't suggest that to me. However on this auction, I will guess a spade will be very popular lead.
I also guess that 6
♣ showed a void in clubs and some number of key cards. So I am betting partner is doubling on a hoped for trump trick (given I have a void). But it is possible that trump might be "finessable". So I am going to lead a club to hopefully force dummy to ruff. When dummy ruffs, I hope partner will have enough trumps to stand up against one or two finesses. Give partner something like Jxxxx of hearts and club ACE, and dummy Qxx with a club void.
The "expected" lead of a club is probalby not the answer most would use after the double. Wouldn't partner just pass and expect a club lead? There is sound logic in that. But after the club splinter. partner might think a club is no longer the expected lead. If I missed the "obvious" spade ruff, I will have a lot of explaining to do.
Individual,Azamat's idea to pass after 4HE was not to push them too high, and he expect 5+ clubs from Borat-they are regular partners) but now he is on lead