inquiry, on Jun 11 2007, 03:44 PM, said:
The heart finessee will eventually have to be taken if you can not find an endplay. You will possibly lose a ♠. But if not, a ♠ might be a userful endplay (of course, if you can ruff a ♠ without losing one, you are home.
1) Win ♣ACE
2) Cash two diamonds
3) Cash ♠ ACE.
4). Cross to the diamond JACK (3-1 diamonds more likely than 2-2... could also cross one trick earlier
5) ♠ to TEN.
If ♠Ten holds, cash spade king
if ♠Ten loses and ♥ comes back, hook, if not, hook hearts later
The interesting case is when the ♠Ten holds. If ♠ are 3-3 you are home. If EAST has four spades, You can try a strip squeeze or a simple endplay now. If you think the ♣King is with EAST, you can throw him in with the 13th spade. He has to return a heart (yeah) or a ♣ eqaully yeah if you are sure king is there.
Not sure But I would postpone the decision in hearts as long as I could.
NOTE, I kibitzed pretty all the finals, and I beleive I remember this hand, which sadly may have an influence on my line of play.
Ben is as usually , correct. but Maybe influenced by Vugraph;). It looks like need one out of 2 finesses, but you also have to worry about 4th round spade loser.
You still have to guess the end position, but unless East blanks his heart king with poker face, you may have enough clues. This will be the layout with 4 cards to play. East will be strip squeezed on last trump and has to abandon heart guard. Now, do you finesse hearts or play for the drop? Odds appriori are 4-3 that king is in West hand, but if you believe that club king was in east, then playing for the drop is the play. Note without Queen
♣ threat in dummy, cashing last trump and playing a spade to endplay East is probably still better then finesse H
- 9
XX? Kx
- -
I think the point of the hand is that heart finesse early in the hand is premature, and losing finesse and a heart return will leave you badly placed with entryless dummy and thats the line both declarers took . I dont think any of the Vugraph commentators mentioned more detailed outcome o this hand in the endgame