Bridge dying? will there be enough youth in the future
Posted 2015-December-26, 16:58
Posted 2015-December-27, 00:30
1eyedjack, on 2015-December-26, 03:25, said:
Actually, a fair number of young players end up not playing very much. Someone learns the game in college or graduate school when they have flexible hours even if they don't have that much time. Then they get a job and move to a new city where there are very few evening games, they can't play regularly (and that's before they have kids), and all the good players around already have a half dozen partnerships and are reluctant to establish a new one, especially with someone who can play less than once a week.
Posted 2015-December-27, 04:43
1eyedjack, on 2015-December-26, 03:25, said:
There is a hope. Look at the polish bridge. The long term efforts in youth bridge started 10-15 years ago brings nowdays success by success at the international stage Even the shock of the BZ affair cant stop this development in polish bridge. Such a development is possible everywhere, if there will be enough done for it.
Posted 2015-December-27, 12:08
PhantomSac, on 2015-December-26, 16:58, said:
I prefer a system where I am rewarded more for being the only one to bid and make slam than I am for being the only one to make an overtrick in a universally-bid part-score.
Posted 2015-December-27, 13:43
Bbradley62, on 2015-December-27, 12:08, said:
I prefer a system where I'm rewarded for plays like this, although it was a lowly 1N contract:
Posted 2015-December-27, 13:54
nullve, on 2015-December-27, 13:43, said:
You like to be rewarded for opps dropping 2 tricks on defence after you miss an unblocking play? Fair enough. There are arguments both for and against IMPs and MPs but I doubt this hand features highly in the reckoning.
Posted 2015-December-27, 22:20
hrothgar, on 2015-December-27, 12:22, said:
lol alright, but if that is true then it is ok to comment on someone casually calling one of the two things "inferior."
It also seems alright to point out that in a normal field size a one session MP pairs event has more of a skill element and less of a luck element than an imp event.
Posted 2015-December-27, 22:41
nullve, on 2015-December-27, 12:22, said:
Because one is similarly more rewarded in Contract Bridge for the same accomplishment. Contract Bridge replaced its forerunner Auction Bridge because the idea of having to contract for game or slam in order to get the game or slam bonus meant that bidding/system had to get more attention than it had before and people liked this dimension to the game. Imps tends to preserve the importance of game and slam bonuses while matchpoints rewards risking these bonuses for overtrick etc considerations.
I think that's why. As Hrothgar said, it's still a matter of taste.
Posted 2015-December-29, 22:55
1eyedjack, on 2015-December-26, 03:25, said:
Nowadays Bridge has to compete with other forms of entertainment like computer games as well as card games like Poker. And general people doesn't know much about bridge. I mean, most people know WSOP but I doubt many know about Bermuda Bowl.
Posted 2015-December-29, 23:57
Charlie Yu, on 2015-December-29, 22:55, said:
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2015-December-30, 11:21
But I see no good reason we can't have both. A once a month IMP pair game at clubs would be a welcome change of pace, even if I don't want to do it every time. The barrier - computing scores - ought to be irrelevant by now, but apparently it isn't.
Posted 2015-December-30, 18:43
nullve, on 2015-December-30, 14:52, said:
Use the GiB button and run through the first 5 or 6 tricks.
Posted 2015-December-31, 00:29
Posted 2016-January-01, 13:52
nullve, on 2015-December-30, 14:52, said:
At trick 4, you didn't unblock the jack of clubs. If West exited a diamond instead of leading a club then you will need to set up a club trick before cashing the diamonds or dummy gets squeezed. However, you also need to ensure you have an entry to your own hand to get the diamonds cashed and the only way you can do that is if the jack of clubs was already off the table
Posted 2016-January-02, 06:31
nullve, on 2016-January-01, 14:22, said:
You are probably right - there was no way you could have. GiB on the other hand would have managed it.