That being said, not everyone is like that. Its just temperement...imo.
Oh, and what type of course were you thinking of?
See this, singapore university offering bridge-computer course ! You'd think it'd be a most popular course anyway, but bidding 1 point gets you in. (Bidding system to get your course in this university). So what I'm saying is, bridge is offered as a real course to youths in singapore anyway. But we have far far far less players % wise than most other countries. And so far our skill level is horrible

I'm not sure about people not bridging. I can assure you I do know a form of bridge when I was very young..its called "floating bridge" and you take tricks and all, but partner isn't fixed. The winner of bid gets to name a partner by asking for a card partner may hold. Most of my friends know this form of bridge, yet they still are shocked and amazed whenever I tell them I LOVE contract bridge. They all feel there are better/more worthwhile/more engaging activities than bridge.
Will friends' attitude shift as we all mature more? That is my theory...of course, no way to prove that fast......
I think the best way right now to address the "perception" problem is really a puff type of method--marketing.... I hate marketing. It preys on psychology and you feel like such a hypocritical predator after, but it works and satisfies and gratifies. If a pop icon adored by many fans were to suddenly declare "Bridge is kewl!" bridge *will* be cool, till the next big ad campaign. If harry potter plays bridge, you'll get your young kiddy bridge players.
It hurts me to see people being manipulated, so I don't like the idea as much as I should have, but.......
R. Dog
(add: I just saw free's post. Agree 100%. )