kgr, on Jun 7 2007, 03:01 PM, said:
Jlall, on Jun 7 2007, 08:57 PM, said:
2C (you said this can contain 4 trumps with low ODR right?),
and to add to apollo's comment... I really really really don't understand calling this a mixed raise. A mixed raise is more like Kxxx x Kxxxx xxx than this balanced 11 count.
I would bid a preemptive 3
♠ with that example and took 2NT from the poll.
I would be very interested if you (..or another expert) could give example hands of the different support bids (2
♣, 3
♣, 2NT, 2
♠, 3
♠ - any other?)
I personally do not play 2N in the way used in this poll, but I will give you what I would have roughly for each bid if I did play these methods (note it was stated that 2C can be bid on 4 card support with low ODR).
2C: Kxx Kxx Axxxx xx or Kxxx Kxx AJx xxx.
2S: Kxx xx Kxxxx xxx
2N: KQxx xx AQxx xxx
3C: Kxxx x Kxxxx xxx
3S: Qxxx x xxxx xxxx
re bidding 3S with my example hand for a mixed raise, I think that NV that is a very heavy 3S bid. You have 2 kings and a stiff which is like 9 support points, it's not quite a limit raise but not really a preemptive raise (which could be made with 4 trumps and a singleton and no HCP in my opinion). The point of the mixed raise in my mind is to fill the gap left between preemptive raise and limit raise in a hand that's not quite right for a simple raise because if partner has the right hand (controls, trump length, shortness) you can make a game easily.
I see people all the time making a mixed raise with Qxxx Kxxx Qx Jxx and stuff and that is really not the right hand for it (I would give a simple raise).
If you bid 3S with Kxxx x Kxxxx xxx NV then you will be forced to have a very wide range or not be able to make enough preemptive raises, I thought the point of a mixed raise was to alleviate this problem.
If you agree with what I just wrote then you are probably totally confused by all the votes for a mixed raise with a soft balanced 11 count.