Trick 1.. ♥T - ♥A - ♥3 - ♥Q
Trick 2.. ♦A - ♦2 - ♦T - ♦8
Trick 3.. ♦K - ♦4 - ♣4 - ♦6
At this point, down one is assured. The club pitch was a clear mistake, but when East won the ♠A, exited a ♦ another clear mistake, and west was squeezed in ♥ and ♣ to make.
Problem was, if south had KQJTxxx of spades and KQJ of hearts, that would be an opening bid. And surely south ahs the JACK from the opening lead, and equally clearly does not have the heart KING. Problem of playing soooo much bridge I guess... the commentators seemed to miss it, one suggesting...
"And poor Cindy, who couldn't guess there was a heart trick to take"
although one correctly tried to pointed out...
"would the lead of the 10 have given her any inference?"
West North East South
- - - 3♠
Pass 4NT Pass 5♣
Pass 5♦ Pass 5NT
Pass 6♠ Pass Pass